Monday, April 16, 2007

Getting Closer!!

K, that was weird! I was asking Cal what should I title this blog and just as I was typing getting closer, he said getting closer!! Wow!! We've had a good week. Got our carpets cleaned and boy did it make a difference! I'm not so anxious to replace them for now. My Mom and I went for a pedicure on Sunday, which is so nice normally and even better at this point in time!! Thanks Mom!! Today we had a Dr. appointment. The babies heart rate was in the 130's again. It is quite consistent lately! The baby grew and is measuring 38 weeks, which is great. I've been feeling nauseous again and sick to my stomach a few days this past week which the Dr. said could be a bug that I've caught or just pregnancy! And sometimes before you go into labour you have flu like symptoms, so I'm hoping this is the case! My fingers are finally swollen so much that I can't wear my wedding rings :-( I made it quite awhile though! It was off and on last week, but now I definitely won't put them on because I don't want to have to get them cut off! I'm doing great overall (I think!), just really tired, which is fine because I'm off work and can nap throughout the day! I certainly don't feel as bad as I've heard some people complain of being!! Sure it's uncomfortable at times, but really not bad. The prenatal clinic I go to is in the Health Unit and today after my appointment I saw my friend Jody who I went to prenatal aqua fit and prenatal classes with. She was just in weighing her son! He was born on April 7th (her due date) and was 6 lbs something. He sure is a cutey!! His name is Jerrod. She said she had an awesome labour and claims that breast feeding is harder than labour!! I hope I have a labour like hers! It is our Happy Nappy pre-delivery day tomorrow!! That means we're getting our diaper pail and a free pre-delivery of diapers! I'm excited to see them because they are going to be so little and cute! There's quite a few people who are wondering why we're using cloth diapers and it is 1st due to the environment, 2nd it is not any more expensive and 3rd if it doesn't work out we can cancel at any time! So I figured we might as well try it! We'll probably use disposables if we're away from home for any length of time or out visiting. Take care everyone and we will keep you updated!!

Luv us all