Sunday, March 8, 2009

Never a dull moment!!

Cal had NAIT this weekend, so it was my first day solo with the kids on Saturday. I started coming down with a cold on Thursday and thought it might be a rough weekend!

Saturday morning Cal headed to school. The kids and I had a great morning and a nice afternoon nap! After Blake woke up from his nap we played a bit and I noticed he was wheezing and coughing. I thought it sounded pretty bad and by the time Cal got home it was worse. So we packed up both the kids and headed to the health centre. There was a very long wait so I called a couple of different medi centres and found one that had a short wait. Since we were going to get in quickly, Blake and I both got checked out. Turns out Blake has mild croup and an ear infection and I have strep throat. The Dr. prescribed Blake one dose of a steroid for the croup and antibiotics for the ear infection and antibiotics for me. I'm feeling a lot better today. Hopefully Blake will be feeling better soon. He had a pretty good day today, up until later this afternoon. I think he's over tired though, we didn't get home from the Dr. and pharmacy until way past his bed time last night. And then throw in the time change and he's missed a lot of sleep!

The most challenging part of my day seems to be when I'm feeding Emerson. Often during that time Blake wants me to be doing something else! He also loves the nursing pillow and wants to lay on it too, so I've gotten him to lay his head on the other side of the pillow!! I tell him thank you for sharing the pillow with Em!

Cal is off tomorrow (Monday) and then back to work on Tuesday. His three weeks of vacation have gone by extremely fast. We can't believe Emerson is 20 days old already! My parents have been sick and hadn't seen her for a week, so they really noticed a difference when they saw her today! She's growing fast. Hopefully I'll make it to the Health Unit to have her weighed this week. On Tuesday we're going to my work for a visit. On Thursday night my sister is coming to visit and is staying overnight at our house, then on Friday my Aunt and cousin are coming from Saskatchewan for a visit. On Friday morning Blake, Em and I are going to a "Welcome Emerson" party that my New Mom's Group is throwing us! Then on Saturday we may have some more visitors from Grande Prairie coming to the shower my sister and Mom are having for Emerson. So it will be a busy, fun-filled weekend!

We hear the weather will be shaping up this week - let's keep our fingers crossed :)

Take care everyone!

Luv Tracy