Saturday, October 10, 2009

Busy Weekend!

We have had an extremely busy Thanksgiving long weekend.

Friday October 9th, was our 5 year anniversary!! I can't believe it has been 5 years since our wedding day! I love thinking back to our wedding day - it was such a fabulous day!!! Words can't even describe it! The whole 24 hours were amazing! Well, actually the whole 72 hours were amazing! A lot has happened in 5 years and I wonder what the next 5 years will bring?! Friday night we went out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. It was nice to be by ourselves for awhile (outside of the house) :) Thanks to Lindsay for babysitting!! I understand it wasn't too tough of a job as Blake and Em were both sleeping!!

Friday morning Cal and I took the kids swimming. We had lots of fun!! Blake has a blast at the pool and Emerson enjoys herself too. She kicks and splashes like crazy! It was nice to go swimming as a family!

Saturday Cal went hunting with my Dad and Dion. He left the house around 5:30 am and got home around 9 pm. I'm not a big fan of wild meat, but do enjoy the jerky!! I wasn't quite sure how to explain hunting to Blake, but thankfully when he asked where Dad was and I told him Dad went hunting with Grandpa and Dion, he didn't ask too many questions!! Not sure I wanted to get into the whole gun/shooting thing with him quite yet! My Mom and Lindsay came over Saturday morning, and took Blake to the mall. The mall near us, Londonderry Mall, has a Thomas the Train ride and a bus ride that Blake loves going on!

Saturday evening Cal's parents, his sister Kathy and niece Katie came to stay for a few nights. Cal's Uncle Glen passed away suddenly last week and his funeral was on Sunday. We haven't seen Uncle Glen in a few years. He was living in the middle east with his wife Madelyn, instructing telecommunications at a University there. We were very surprised to hear of his passing. He was a great man and always reminded me of a giant teddy bear! There was a funeral and reception on Sunday and the burial was today, followed by a Thanksgiving dinner. We took Emerson to the funeral and then my Mom brought Blake to the reception. Cal attended the burial and dinner today. All of Glen's nephews were pall bearers. It was great to see many of Cal's relatives from the Cameron side yesterday. We missed the last family wedding last summer, so it has been awhile since we've seen his extended family. It is unfortunate that it takes a funeral to bring everyone together.

This afternoon my family came over for Thanksgiving dinner. Lindsay and Jeremy headed back to Fort Mac afterwards, so we ate around 4:30. The dinner was great and even Emerson enjoyed it!! She tried mashed potatoes, dressing, and turkey and seemed to love it all!! I was thinking that if she had an allergic reaction I wouldn't know what it was to! But she didn't ... so it's all good!! Blake was quite funny. I was saying grace and right in the middle of it he said, "All done!" Apparently he was hungry and ready to dig in?!? It was very funny!!! Then he loaded his plate up and wanted gravy on everything. Looked kinda yucky, but he ate quite a bit. Must be taking after his Grandpa Bruce, who puts odd condiments on pretty much everything he eats!!!!

The snow has been falling off and on for a few days now. We normally take a few fall pictures on Thanksgiving long weekend, but not this year :( And I didn't really want to venture out for pictures in the snow! It is apparently going to warm up, so hopefully this snow is not here to stay.

Happy thanksgiving everyone! Have a great week - glad it's a short one :)

xoxox Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1st Tooth!

Emerson's 1st tooth broke through her gums on Thursday, October 1st!! It went down again and re-appeared on Saturday. And now it is definitely through and popping up more and more each day. At first I thought 2 teeth had came through, but today she finally let me in her mouth and there's just 1!!

Things seem to be back to normal in our house (knock on wood ...)! Emerson had 5 "bad" nights. It was taking her around 2 hours to fall asleep, but once she fell asleep she was fine and slept for her usual 12-13 hours. It was just really hard for us, because we are used to putting her to bed and then not hearing from her again until morning! And it was also confusing, because we didn't know what was bothering her. We thought it was her #2 problems, but then thought maybe it was teething that was bothering her and then I started thinking perhaps she was just going through some separation anxiety!! She definitely wasn't hungry. Such a guessing game, but regardless it was rough and now it's better and we hope we have our amazing little sleeper back :) Our colds are all pretty much gone and Cal has not caught them!!! (once again, knock on wood!!)

I had a great time on Saturday at my sister's bridal shower and stagette! The stagette was tons of fun!! It was great to tear up the dance floor again!!! Lindsay had lots of fun, she was so funny!! She was the high five and hugging queen :0) It was great to see some family from Saskatchewan too!! So nice of them to drive all that way :) Sunday morning everyone came over for coffee before heading home. It's nice that Blake now remembers everyone, even though he only sees them a few times (if that) a year. When he saw my Uncle Ken he asked where his motor home was!! Ken had a motor home at the family reunion we were at in July! Now the countdown to Vegas is really on!! I can't wait!!! The wedding is going to be so beautiful! We're looking forward to seeing some sights as a family too. I've found quite a few websites that discuss family friendly activities in Las Vegas. And the shopping ... I can't WAIT for the outlet malls!!! Cal too ... he actually enjoys shopping in Vegas :)

Emerson had a follow-up appointment with her pediatrician today. He gave us another prescription for Lactulose, told us to continue trying new fruits and vegetables and to fill the prescription if we need to. If things don't improve in a month of so, he will have to do further testing (x-rays, contrast something or another, etc!). But he said he'd rather give it a few more weeks before having to do any kind of invasive tests. He said that there is a possibility that she has a narrowing of her bowels, which explains why when she was just nursing she was fine, but as soon as she started solids she got backed up! So we're praying that things will straighten out and we won't have to put her through any sort of invasive "testing!"

Tomorrow morning we are going to visit Lesley, Colby and Jenna! We haven't seen Jenna since she was less than 24 hours old, so I am very excited to see her again!!! Hopefully Colby and Blake will have fun playing together ;)

It's going to be a great weekend! Friday is our 5th wedding anniversary! Hard to believe it's been 5 years since our wedding day! One of the best days of my life!! We are going out for dinner Friday night, which I'm REALLY looking forward to! Cal and I do spend quite a bit of time together each evening, but it will be nice to be out of the house together, by ourselves :) Saturday Cal is going hunting with my Dad and Dion. I'm not sure what the kids and I are going to do? We'll see! Sunday we are going to Church and Monday we are having Thanksgiving dinner at our house. I LOVE Thanksgiving weekend!! Thanksgiving is such a great holiday! No stress of shopping (and spending too much!!) for gifts and you get to enjoy time with your family and a yummy meal :) I think I also love it because our anniversary usually falls on the long weekend :) Cal switched his Monday off from this Monday to Friday (our anniversary) and we hope to do something fun with the kids Friday morning!

Have a great weekend everyone. Hopefully our weather smartens up a bit! Fall is my favorite season, but I do prefer a bit warmer fall :)

xoxo Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson