Friday, January 24, 2014

Bed shufflin'

Today the girls and I moved all of Reese's bedroom possessions to Em and Blake's room and all of Blake's possessions to Reese's room (which was Blake's room 1st, then Reese's!).  Em moved to the top bunk, Reese on the bottom and Blake back to the bed that was originally purchased for him in the first room he ever slept in!!

I'm a bit sad ... what's new ... any changes with the kids are usually hard for this ol' sap!  For what seems like forever now, we've had the same bedtime routine.  Cal, Blake and Em read books in their room, I read books and put Reese to bed in her room and then go sing songs to Blake and Em.  I'll miss that routine, most especially Reese jumping into my arms off her ottoman while I sit on her glider!  Kids are such creatures of routine, we all did the exact same thing every night!  Reese would put her teddy and blankie on my right side, the book she chose on my left side, climb up onto the ottoman and jump into my arms!!  So funny!  Then once she was laying down it was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Violets and Rock a Bye Baby.  Then she had to give me a double high five, double pound, she'd 'honk' my nose, I'd 'honk' her nose (this is something Blake started with Reese when she was just a baby!), hug, and finally a kiss!!!!  Then off to B & E's room to sing You Are My Sunshine, Violets and Down in the Valley :)  Followed by hugs and kisses and blowing a million kisses as I walked out the door!!  So funny how these routines develop!  

We've been asking the kids for quite awhile now if they would like to change bedrooms.  Blake has been pretty hesitant to do so but just this week consistently agreed to change bedrooms and we thought we'd better go with it.  Although tonight he was a little sad :s  I don't think he really likes being alone and he and Emerson often talked before falling asleep and in the mornings.  Em said to me today, "But I'll miss Blake.  Now I won't ever be able to talk to him."  I told her that of course she can still talk to him, although I understand that sharing a room was a special time for them and a time when they bonded.  Makes me sad that they will no longer have that time but I'm sure they'll find other opportunities in the days and evenings to bond and chat :)  Now Em and Reese will have that opportunity!  I told Cal that we should knock the wall out between the 2 bedrooms and make 1 giant room, they can all share!!  Only thing stopping me from pursuing this is the fact that one day we may sell this house and I don't think that would be good for re-sale!!  And I guess the cost that might be involved in that no-so-little project!  Ah well, they will all be fine and Mom will be fine too ;)  

They all took a little longer to fall asleep today but were sleeping with in 45 min of bed time.  Now we'll see if Reese wakes Em up or Blake wakes up super early ... I doubt Em will wake up early, that's not really like her!  Blake's our early bird and often woke Em up, so I'm hoping Reese will not wake Em up early!!

We're hoping to buy Blake a loft bed with a desk in the next year or so.  We're eyeing up the one currently at Costco.  Hopefully it's still there when we decided to buy one!  Blake's getting more and more homework as the days go on and he is easily distracted so we often do it on the floor of his bedroom!  A desk would be great, at least for him to sit at, I can still sit on the floor!  Who knows what we'll do when the girls reach the point of bringing homework home, maybe by that time they'll all be able to do it around the kitchen table (that's what I'm hoping for!)!

I told Em she could get some new stickers for the wall by her bunk, so we've been scouring the 'net!  They also want new door signs, which I'm thinking the Easter Bunny might bring!  Oh, and they want new sheets too!!

~ Tracy