Saturday, June 8, 2013

Where do I start?!

The last few weeks of May were jam packed!!!  Here's a (sorta) quick breakdown of the highlights:

~May 14th I accompanied Blake and all the kindergarten classes (English a.m. and p.m. and French a.m. and p.m.) to Prairie Gardens.  We had an AWESOME time!!!  I loved it :)  Some of the highlights were planting flowers, grass and celery to take home, the 'train' ride and the little bit of downtime the kids had after lunch, which included sitting in a circle singing songs in French - very cool to see and hear!!

~May 17th we headed to Cross Lake Provincial Park for our 1st camping trip in our new trailer!!!  It was soooo fabulous!  The weather was the best we've ever had for May long weekend, we had a great time with the Smith's, Stecyk's, Scott's and Streadwicks, the kids played on the beach and Blake and Em went tubing (along with the Streadwick's)!!  Our new trailer was so, so nice - we loved the extra room, the big beds, being able to eat at a table vs. on some one's bed, not having to rush everyone out the door at 8 am because there was no where for everyone to sit, etc, etc.  We love it and can't wait to use it a lot this summer!!

~May 24th was Family Dance night at Ecole Bishop Savaryn!  Blake had a blast, he is quite the little dancer.  I call it break dancing but whatever it is, it's just plain awesome ;)  As predicted, he took some time to observe and then joined in and boogied!!!  The glow sticks and snacks at the concession also added to the entire experience!  Reese enjoyed bustin' a move too and was pretty darn cute ;)  Poor Emerson so badly wanted to dance and have fun, but the music was just too loud for her sensitive ears :( 

~May 27th I was a participant in an exercise video that a friend was making for her AFLCA certification.  It's nerve wracking sweating your butt off in front of a camera and knowing someone who you don't know is going to be watching ;)  But it was fun and I got an extra (and free) workout in that week, so BONUS!

~May 28th was PJ day at Emerson's preschool and she was SO excited!!!  The week before Christmas break was also PJ day at preschool but Emerson was so sick and had to miss that day.  She was very disappointed and hasn't stopped talking about how sick she was and how sad she is that she had to miss PJ day.  So when the May calendar came out and PJ day was on it ... well, let's just say Emerson was a 'tad' excited ;)

~May 29th Blake had another full-day field trip with all the kindergarten classes, this time to the Valley Zoo.  He had a blast and came home very excited about all he learned from their tour guides!  That evening Emerson had her grand finale rehearsal for her upcoming recital.  They learned their grand finale dance.  She was slightly overwhelmed, dancing with a large group vs. her small class and meeting 2 new teachers, all while trying to learn a new dance!!  But she left excited for her recital and I was equally as excited!

~May 30th was Emerson's last day of school for this school year.  Her preschool held a year end graduation/celebration party, which we were all invited to!  It was a blast!  The kids sang a cute song at the beginning and each student received a certificate from the two teachers.  There was a bouncy house, face painting, balloon artist's, a bubble station and a BBQ and all the teachers made each student a scrapbook with artwork they had done through out the year with a nice little personalized message, as well as a Lago Lindo preschool tshirt with their name on the sleeve!  I've probably said it a few times before but I just can't get over how amazing this preschool is!!!  Love it and happy Emerson will be returning next year :)

So that is the last few weeks of May in a nutshell!!  Hard to believe it's almost the middle of June and especially hard to believe that Blake's kindergarten year is almost over ... where did that time go?!  
