Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fantastic Fall!

The last few weeks have been great!

Emerson is loooooving her dance class!!!  Yesterday as we were leaving the dance studio she said, "I love my dance lessons!  Can I go again tomorrow?"  She's also been asking when she will get to go on stage!  lol!  They have a year end recital the second weekend in June, which we are really looking forward to!!  Emerson is definitely all girl!  I'm not sure, but I do not recall being so 'girly' as a little girl?!  I may need my Mom and Dad to confirm/clear that up!!!  Emerson must wear a dress or skirt every day, it must twirl and she spends a lot of time dancing around the house and saying, "Mom/Dad, watch this!" as she twirls, points her toes, raises her arms, etc.  It is adorable but the constant outfit changes can be frustrating!!  Some days she changes her outfit 4 or 5 times a day.  Emerson is also really enjoying preschool!  I can not say enough about how awesome the Lago Lindo preschool is.  So great!  Her teachers are amazing, Mrs. York and Mrs. Chong (who Em calls Mrs. Charm and insists her name is Mrs. Charm) are so patient and wonderful with the preschoolers!!!  I am excited to accompany Emerson's class on a field trip to John Jantzen Nature Centre at the end of October!  I also signed up to volunteer for the Halloween party :)  Emerson is also really enjoying swimming lessons!  She really has no fear and has a blast at lessons!

Blake is still enjoying Kindergarten!  We hear small amounts of information here and there about his mornings, but often when we ask him what he did today at school he replies, "I forget."  But every now and then he'll come out with something, such as they've been practicing playing an instrument in music class for the Christmas concert, or he'll sing a song in French (head and shoulders knees and toes and has told us he's learning a Thanksgiving song!), tell us about the math stations they did (he says he loves math!) or mention something about his friends!  He was very, very excited when he received a birthday invitation from his classmate Kyle!  He keeps talking about how Max and Ian are also going!  And he continues to enjoy taking the bus home from school ... and I love watching for him and seeing him run off the bus and look back to say goodbye and wave to Max and Mitch (his bus driver)!!  Love seeing him happy and enjoying the entire Kindergarten experience :)  Cal is looking forward to volunteering in Blake's class for their Halloween party :)  Blake's hockey team was set last week!  Cal is an assistant coach and they had their first team practice this past weekend.  They worked hard and both Blake and Cal were sweating when they came off the ice ;)  Blake loves hockey and is pretty excited to play a real game this year!!

Reese is doing great too!  Although she had another 'incident' the other day :(  Poor girl has had more bumps, bruises and falls then her brother and sister combined.  A few days ago she took a bad fall down the stairs.  I saw it and it looked absolutely horrible.  She flipped down the stairs, hit her head in the middle of the fall and then landed at the bottom on her head.  It was very scary.  But she is fine, tough little girl.  Boy oh boy, if I would have fallen like that I would have been hauled away in an ambulance.  Kids are so resilient, it is amazing.  All she has to show for it is a bruised lip and nose.  And for that we are very thankful!!  I think she's more prone to accidents because she does not slow down ... she is keeping up with Blake and Em every step of the way!!  She seems so much more grown up then 21 months.  She plays the same games as they do, loves LEGO, watches their shows with them (although never sits for long!), and repeats EVERYTHING they say!!  For example, when I tell her it is naptime soon she will look at me, hold up 5 of her fingers and say, "5 minutes Momma!  5 minutes!"  Hmmmmm ... I wonder where she got that gift of bargaining from?!  lol!!  But it is so cute, you can't help but smile :)  And another line she says that has me smiling and my heart melting is, "Okay Momma."  If I ask her to do something, help me, lay down in her crib and close her eyes, whatever it may be, she often replies with this line in a very soft, gentle, adorable voice.  I love it :)  She says the same to Cal but "Okay Daddy."  Too cute!  Reese really enjoys "Come Play With Me" at the YMCA!  She knows Miss Christine by name and has a blast singing all the songs and doing the craft.  Of course the glue sticks are a huge attraction ;)  She's a gluing queen, gluing everything and more!!!  Her favorite songs are "Zoom, Zoom" and "Sleeping Bunnies" ... I love how she knows all the actions and just gives 'er ;)  Now, the other 2 munchkins love swimming and are quite fearless in the water but Reese takes it to another level!!  Almost every day she asks, "Swimming?"  And she knows swimming lessons are on Friday!  If you ask her she will tell you, "My swimmin' on Friday!"  She is doing bobs in the water already and zipping down the slide and under the water like nobody's business ;)

Two weekends ago I decided we should take our own fall photos at Lake Beaumaris.  I wasn't sure how they would turn out but we are impressed with the results!  The kids were pretty cooperative and I feel we got some fantastic photos, considering we'd never tried this before and were using a tripod and timer!!!  I love photography but have never really taken much time to learn about my camera.  I'd like to take some sort of course and an editing course!  Maybe that will be one of my 2013 goals :)  Here are a few of my favorites from our photo shoot:

One or a few of these photo's will be seen in our upcoming Christmas card ;)

We had a great time at our niece Jenna's 3rd birthday party, last Saturday!  The kids played and had a lot of fun!  Colby and Blake were inseparable and had a blast :)  It was also nice to see Carmen, Kerri and Kailey and Kathy, Katie and Grayson!  Thanks for a great time, Stony Plain Cameron's!

And we had a great visit with my parents last week, who had just got home from vacation!  It's always strange when they are away because we're so used to seeing them frequently and talking almost every day!!  So it is great to have them home again or at least in the same province, as Dad is up North working for a few weeks!  The kids were very excited to see them and see what surprises they may have brought back from the States!  Blake has been stuck to his new Ninjago book and LEGO and the girls are carting around their Hello Kitty dolls!  We're looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner at their house on Saturday and seeing Lindsay and Connor, too :)

On Sunday we met the Parenteau's at the Edmonton Corn Maze.  It was our first visit to the maze and we had a fun time!  The maze itself was interesting, we took a few wrong turns but after answering 5 trivia questions (thanks to our iPhones and Google!!) we found our way out of the maze!  The jumpy pillow was also a major attraction with the kids, along with the pedal carts!  We will definitely try to visit again next year, it was fun and a nice afternoon outside on a gorgeous Fall day!!

We hope you're having a great week and slowly adjusting to the cooler temp's!!  Although I hear this weekend is going to be significantly warmer ... and for that I will be giving thanks :)

Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Reese