Sunday, October 25, 2009

Miss Chatty :)

We have had a very busy weekend! Cal went hunting with my Dad and Dion on Saturday and I had the 4th Annual Therapist Assistant Association of Alberta's AGM and Education Day. I am the V.P. of the association, so much of my free time these past few weeks has been spent planning and organising this big event. My Mom came over to stay with the kids while I was at the conference. I came back at lunch time to feed Emerson and then went back to the conference for the last few hours. We haven't kept up with giving Em a bottle. Just to see what she'd do, I told my Mom to see if she'd take one in the afternoon. My Mom said the look on her face was priceless! She started drinking and then all of a sudden stopped and had the most disgusted look on her face!! Oh well, no big deal, there haven't been any situations where I've needed her to take a bottle so it hasn't mattered! She goes to bed so early that I still get plenty of me time and time out!! Hopefully I'll be able to wean her to a sippy cup. I planned to do that with Blake too, but didn't ... so we'll see this time around! I got home from the conference at around 3:30. I fed Emerson and then my Mom and I took the kids to Toys R Us and then out for supper. After my Mom went home I rented a chick flick (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past - it was good!) and Cal got home around 10 pm. He had a good day, they got a mule deer buck, so had "fun" gutting it, etc. Some kinda fun ... lol!!!

This afternoon I went to a baby shower for our good friends Christa and Berlyn Parenteau. I had fun visiting with a few gals I hadn't seen in awhile and snuggling with Beryln :) She's a gorgeous baby and so good!! Afterwards, when the kids had woke up from their naps we went to my parents house for supper to celebrate my Dad's birthday, which was on Saturday. Blake and I practiced singing Happy Birthday Grandpa, but when the time came Blake had stage fright!!! We had a nice visit and a yummy supper and cake!

Blake finished the fall session of My First Preschool on Monday. It was a great class for Blake and all his little friends!! We attend with 3 of our New Mom's Group friends and they've all made such great progress since the first class. Particularly Blake and Alana. Both Blake and Alana are very shy in public ... not at home of course!! On Monday both of them were singing and dancing!! It was great! Stacey and I had tears in our eyes!!! It is such a well organized and well ran class. The YMCA is so awesome!!! The class has definitely been great for Blake. We are looking forward to continuing and start the winter session on Wednesday. Blake's imagination continues to keep us laughing!! He is so funny, always coming up with something new each day. I can't believe HOW MUCH he talks ... non-stop! Pretty much his every waking minute at home is spent talking and singing! Even when he's playing by himself, I hear him talking. And I love listening to those conversations!! I also enjoy pretending not to watch or listen to him talking and playing with Emerson!! I try to give them some privacy and let them have their play time uninterrupted! He can be so gentle and sweet with her!! Then at times when we're all playing together he won't let her play with anything but "her" toys! I find when I'm letting them do their own thing, he is much more "paternal" with her, almost as though since Cal or I are not there he takes on the role of the parent!!

Emerson is Miss Chatty lately! She's starting to use different sounds, such as "mmm" and "b" sounds. I love it when she "talks"!! Today her favorite sound was baa, baa, baa, baa, baa!!! So cute! And of course I swear she's saying "Mom" some days :) She definitely likes to get her two cents in. I imagine her and Blake will be rivaling for air time as she starts talking more and more!!! She is eating a lot more these days. Enjoying 3 meals a day and more and more of a variety of foods. She still only has the 1 tooth through, but many more are coming. Her cheeks are so rosey, and I think it is because of teething. She has figured out how to get food into her mouth, so we're trying to give her more and more finger foods. Tonight she enjoyed kernel corn at Grandma and Grandpas!! Although more hit the floor then her mouth!

Tomorrow night I am looking forward to going to the Rascall Flatts concert with my friend Renee! Should be a great time!! Tuesday Cal is coming home a bit early from work so we can all go get our flu and H1N1 immunizations. I've done a lot of research and I think getting both immunizations is the right choice. Hard to make that decision, but all the health care professionals are recommending both, and I finally decided that in a country such as Canada I hope to goodness you can trust your doctors and nurses, because if not we are in a sad state of affairs! Wednesday Blake has preschool and Cal might play hockey with his friends team that evening and Friday we have our New Mom's Group 3rd Annual Halloween party!! I'm really looking forward to Halloween this year!! Blake is super excited and both kids look SO cute in their costumes!!! Saturday we will take the kids to a few houses together and then Cal will probably continue on with Blake to a few more houses. I love Halloween and can't wait to take a picture of the kids in front of our big blow up ghost!!! Sunday we are headed to Stony Plain for our niece Jenna's Baptism. Cal's parents and niece Katie are coming down for the Baptism, so it will be great to see them again!

It looks like we have another busy week/weekend coming up! I haven't had a chance to check out our forecast, but I hope it is nice! I started running last week and realized that maybe it wasn't the best time of year to get into it again?! But Cal has always ran in the winter, so he assures me I can do it :)

Have a fantastic week everyone! Can't wait to see pictures of all your lil' cuties in their Halloween garb ;)

Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson