Saturday, September 13, 2008

Feeling Terrible :(

I am feeling bad right now ... Blake has fallen down the stairs (the same set of stairs) twice in two days. I can not believe it. He's been going up and down these stairs for months, I suppose it was bound to happen (especially after I blogged about how good he is on the stairs, right?!). Thankfully he is okay, just a bit of rug burn and a small bump and bruise. I think I feel worse then he does! I know there will be more bumps and bruises, but I feel bad because I could have prevented this one. Yesterday Blake and I did some shopping in the morning and in the afternoon a friend and I made birthday invitations for her little girls party. Cal's in school this weekend, so Blake and I went to his swimming lesson this morning. It was lots of fun!! I discovered I need to buy a new bathing suit though!! Kinda growing out of this one! We have no other definite plans for the weekend, other than play, play, play!!! Have a good weekend everyone :)


Monday, September 8, 2008

18 weeks!

Today I had a Dr. appointment. All was well! The babies heart rate was ranging from 145 to 150. I was very excited to see that Dr. Gannon was my doctor today!! She delivered Blake and is so awesome!! It was nice to see her and I'm very glad she's back from her maternity leave. Next week we have an ultrasound, so I'll be posting a picture! The first ultrasound we had was to determine my due date and I was only 6 weeks along then, so we didn't get a picture of the little peanut!! On Friday Blake and I met some New Mom's friends at an indoor playground. It was the first time we'd been to this particular playground and it was great! It was much brighter and cleaner than the YMCA playground we've gone to in the past. Cal was home with Blake today and they went this morning for a bit! Saturday morning Blake had his first swimming lesson. Cal went in the pool with him and I took pictures and video! It looked to be a good program with fun songs and games! Cal learned a few new tunes :) I'm taking Blake this weekend because Cal has school. Other than that we had a relaxing weekend. On Sunday we went for a walk to watch some football at Eric and Christa's! Blake put on his Colts jersey for the 1st time this year. Last year it was a bit big, but this year it fits perfectly! Blake's continuing to learn new things every day. He surprises us with what he knows sometimes! He can point out his nose, ears, teeth, feet, and head! Next is the belly button!! They really are like little sponges, soaking everything up. We have to start watching our language! I'm afraid one day he'll say something we don't want him to be repeating! Another thing Cal's taught him is to give five! And at the family reunion we were at in August my Mom taught Blake to shake people's hands, so when we hold out our hand and say, "Please to meet you" he shakes our hand vigorously!! It's hilarious! Anyways, we will post our ultrasound picture next week and let you know how it goes. Have a great week!
