Reese is not only rolling but crawling at the speed of light ;) Well not quite, but she's crawling faster and a lot more then she was 2 weeks ago!! She also is "walking" when she's standing and being supported under her armpits and she's trying to walk along the couch and coffee table too! And she's learned how to sit up from crawling! A couple of weeks ago she could sit up from laying on the ground, by holding onto something with one hand and pushing on the ground with the other, but now she sits up without holding onto anything!! Every morning when I go into her room to get her out of her crib, she's sitting up! She gives me the biggest smiles, I love it :) She tries to pull herself up on everything she can hold onto and has bumped her head more times then I can count :S Way more then Blake and Emerson!! She's a lot busier then they were at this age! It's amazing how fast she's growing and changing! I also taught her the signs for "more" and for "all done!" And it seems like she actually gets them, which is amazing to me?! I showed her all done a few times and now when I say it she tries to copy me and do the sign! I never taught Blake or Em signs when they were this young, but when they were over 1 one of the library programs we attended taught signs so I remember a lot of them and just for fun thought I'd show Reese a few!!
Cousins! |
The last few weeks of August and the beginning of September has been busy! We had our niece Jenna and nephew Colby for a sleepover on September long weekend. It was lots of fun and they were SO well-behaved!! We really enjoyed spending time with them :) We also attended Berlyn's 2nd birthday party that weekend. There was a great group of kids there and we all had a lot of fun! Blake and Emerson had a blast in the bouncy houses!! And to top the weekend off, we met Carmen and family (- Kourtney) for dinner. It was nice to see everyone :)
1st day of Preschool (year 2) - September 6, 2011 |
Blake started his 2nd year of Preschool on Tuesday, September 6th. We registered him in Fun Factory at the CD YMCA again. It's a great program and so convenient for us, because we take Emerson and Reese to a parented program (Come Play With Me) across the hall from Blake's classroom! It was an entirely new scene for Blake this year, only 1 returning friend from last year and all new teachers!! Although, Mrs. Steele (a volunteer) did return on Tuesday mornings and Miss Kara ran the summer day camp programs this year, so Blake recognized her as well. Emerson had a blast at Come Play With Me and Reese did too!!! Reese crawled around, "talking" and playing!
On Wednesday we had a fun playdate with my cousin Jessica and her daughter Emma and look forward to more "dates" with them!!!
Enjoying the zoo! |
Today the kids and I made an impromptu trip to the Valley Zoo. The past 2 summers we've visited the zoo numerous times, but hadn't made it there this summer. There are a lot of renovations happening, but the kids still had a blast! Emerson had a close encounter with the tiger - he was right on the glass behind her! Scared the life out of her (& Blake)!!! It was SO funny, I wish I'd had my camera out at that time!!! Every time we go to the zoo, the kids wish Cal was there! They're always saying, "I wish Dad could see Lucy!" "We should show Dad the monkeys!" etc, etc, etc. So hopefully we'll make it there on Free Zoo Day (September 25th)! Free admission for all, can't beat it!!!
Swimming lessons start today (Blake) and tomorrow (Emerson) and Blake's hockey starts on September 17th. Both of our little fish are looking forward to their lessons and Blake is super excited for hockey ;) Emerson is also VERY excited to start gymnastics on Wednesday and to attend Emma's Dynamyx birthday party on October 1st!!
Cal had his annual Telus golf tournament yesterday afternoon/evening. He had a great time and brought me home a pair of Oakley sunglasses!! All the golfers received a pair! And apparently the door prizes were amazing, last year he won an iPod touch, but he didn't win anything this year. Cal doesn't get out golfing much anymore, but I'm sure it's a hobby he'll take up again one day ;)
Our weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week! We've had fun in the backyard, playing in the sprinkler and keeping cool in the shade!!
Hope you're able to enjoy some of this sun, have a great weekend :)
Love The Cameron's
PS: I forgot to mention that Emerson is doing so great on the potty!! At home and out and about! She takes herself and doesn't even need reminding! Very few accidents too! We're so proud of her!! Way to go Em :)