I'll never forget when we learned we were expecting. I was so scared for the first little while, scared something would happen but after a few weeks I started feeling really sick. And weird as it might seem, I was very happy to be sick!! My Dr. told me it meant the baby was growing and doing well. I soaked that up and enjoyed every second of hugging the toilet bowl because I knew, as long as I was sick, baby was fine :) I also remember the moment Blake was born, I immediately did not feel sick! It was crazy!! And that is also the moment I became a Mom. Of course I thought I 'kinda' knew what it would be like to be a Mom but I really had no idea. We are now parents to an eight year. I feel fine with this but I think when Blake hits the double digits, it might be hard for me to accept ;)
Paused for a photo!! |
Blake had a great birthday party on Sunday afternoon. We tossed a few party ideas around. At first he wanted to play laser tag but we told him he would have to cut down the guest list a little bit if he was going to play laser tag! He then quickly changed his mind to playing floor hockey, like he did last year! So after a few phone calls we found a venue that would work with our crazy busy schedule and booked Servus Place in St. Albert! Blake wanted a hockey/Pokemon themed party, so the kids played floor hockey for the 1st hour and Pokemon for the 2nd hour :) I decided to hire our favorite baker, Bake My Day, and ordered up 1 dz
hockey cupcakes and 1 dz Pokemon cupcakes! The party was fun, everyone
had a great time and the birthday boy was excited to be surrounded by
his besties!!
Everyone enjoying a snack and a cupcake :) |
Hockey and Pokemon cupcakes! |
New bike with gears!! |
On Blake's actual birthday, we had my family over for dinner and Grandma D's carrot cake (Blake's favorite!)! I asked Blake what he would like for supper. I told him I could make anything he wanted ... he came up with Tuna Casserole or Pizza (he specified not homemade pizza, take out pizza!) The girls aren't crazy about tuna casserole and I wasn't sure if my nephews would be either, so take out pizza it was. Blake tried out his new bike from Grandma and Grandpa and we had a great dinner with my mom, dad, Lindsay, Jeremy and the boys!
Blowing out his candles :) |
Mason approves of Grandma's carrot cake :) |
Before bed all the kids and Grandpa D played some baseball in the front yard! Blake's a bit confused with which hand he catches with and which hand he throws with ... he says he catches AND throws with his left hand ;) He writes left-handed, plays hockey right-handed and golfs left-handed. So I can see, there is some confusion there!! Maybe he's ambidextrous?! Ever since we realized he was left-handed, we've joked that we're going to encourage him (actually I think we used the word push!) to be a left-handed pitcher in the MLB!!! They are very high-paid and don't actually have to pitch very often ;) lol!
Blake loved all the phone calls, text messages and FB birthday wishes he received. It's so nice to see him feeling loved and enjoying his special day. He sure is a special boy and deserves all that love + more! Thank you to everyone who sent Blake a birthday wish!
We're so grateful for our happy, kind, loving, smart, handsome boy. He brings so much joy and love to our lives and is the best big brother!! I'm not sure how we got so lucky, but I thank my lucky stars every single day. I know there will be a day when Blake will no longer want me to hold his hand and sing him his bed time song and so I soak that up, every single night that I can. He's going to be taller then me before I know it but he still likes to be held sometimes and as I hold my almost 70 lb boy, I just can't believe how fast he has grown up and I can't help but think of what the future will bring. I have a feeling it won't be all that much different - he'll still be kind and loving and smart and handsome and the best big brother and son in all the world :) Just bigger and maybe not quite able to curl up on my lap!! Love you beyond words, Blake. We're so proud of you and can't wait for your 8th year!!