On the 16th Em turned 7!! 7?! That seems wrong some how ... how is she 7? My goodness, my teeny little 6lb 11 oz baby girl is 7. February is a whirl wind of activity in our house but we made sure to fit in a special dinner for Em on her birthday! My parents and the Stecyk's joined us for dinner at Montanna's in St. Albert. We met right after school, before hockey practice and Ukrainian dancing ;) Em got to wear the traditional Montanna's horns and remarked that they felt very heavy!!
On the 19th, a few of Emerson's closest friends and cousins helped her celebrate her birthday at the Edmonton Humane Society. The kids spent the majority of the time visiting with various animals - puppies, cats, a snake, a bunny, a ferret and a bearded dragon! Em loved every minute, she is such an animal lover!! The puppies were her favorite and one in particular really took a liking to her, curling up in her lap :) It was so cute!! Thank you to everyone who joined Em at her party, she loves all her gifts and was so happy to spend time with her friends and cousins! I'll share a few photo's below.
Happy Birthday, Em the gem!! We love you beyond words and are so very proud of you. You are one smart, hard working, helpful and loving girl! We can always count on you to help in any and every situation, whether it be dusting around the house, washing dishes, helping your little sister, cleaning your brother's room (what a lucky boy to have a sister like you!!), etc, etc, you are so helpful and we greatly appreciate that trait :) You gift us with beautiful drawings every day, often titled "I Love You Mom/Dad". You bring big smiles to our faces and we love you beyond words!! xoxo
Opening gifts the morning of her birthday :) |
Dinner at Montanna's and gifts from the Stecky's and G&G! |
The Montanna's horns and birthday song!! |
Craft time at the Humane Society! |
So much fun in the puppy room :) |
Lovin' the puppy kisses!!! |
I adore this photo - pure joy :) |
Blowing out her candles on her birthday ice cream sundae (which she requested, as she doesn't like cake!)!! |
The party-goers! |
Em and Tickles, the snake ;) |
Holding the bearded dragon! |
A quick family photo at home, after the party :) |