Just wanted to type up a quick update on my work situation ;) I talked to my manager this morning and emailed her my resignation letter. I do still have mixed feelings ... I think I just have a hard time making decisions and worry about making the right decision!! Often I wish someone would TELL me what to do! Thankfully, Cal and I agree and he would support me 100% in whatever decision I was to make. I did tell my manager that I could work .4 (2 days a week) until a suitable replacement was found. With his Mondays off and working from home 1 day a week, Cal will be with the kids the 2 days I'm working. Heather (my manager) said it usually takes approx. 6 weeks to post the job, do interviews, etc. so I'll probably be working 2 days a week for around 6 weeks. I feel very relieved now that we've made a decision and can move forward :) I might look into a part time evening/weekend job in a few months. Somewhere interesting, somewhere fun, somewhere I like to shop and/or somewhere I/We would like a discount!!! I'm thinking Chapter's, Starbuck's, Rona, Reitmans?? I don't know ... we'll see!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
More Cute Conversations!
March 17/10
Blake: Can I take big Teddy swimming? (big Teddy is the big teddy Lindsay gave Emerson!)
Mom: I don't think we can take him to the pool Blake. How about you teach him how to swim at home?
Blake: (looks at me with a furrowed brow) Okay. (goes upstairs for a few minutes and comes down with his shirt off!)
Mom: Why is your shirt off??
Blake: I'm gonna teach big Teddy to swim, can you take my pants off?
Mom: Okay. (Take pants off and Blake goes upstairs. Few seconds later I check out what he's doing and he and big Teddy are in the bathtub and he's "teaching" him how to swim!!!!) I just LOVE his imagination these days!!!
March 18/10
Blake: Did Dad take the car or the truck to work?
Mom: I'm not sure. We'll see when we go outside.
Blake (when we get to the driveway): Dad took the car to work ... that's strange?!
Blake: Holy lots of snow is melting today! (Holy is his new "word"! Holy this and holy that ... !!)
March 20/10
Blake got a tent and tunnel from Grandma and Grandpa and he absolutely LOVES it!! He loves crawling through Colby's tunnel and the tunnels at the play gyms we go to and gymnastics, so was very excited to have his own! But, he at times comes up with different ideas for the tent and tunnel!! Today the tent was a trailer and the tunnel was a truck. The tunnel has different colors on it and Blake decided the different colors were different seats!! He wanted Em to sit in the red seat! He would then get into the front of the "truck" and drive away honking! He even stopped for gas at one point and instructed Em to stay in her seat!!
March 31/10
Blake went into his closet and pulled out his suitcase. He proceeded to pack it with his teddies, pull-ups, wipes, his soo, and his blankies. Then he pulled out his favorite hat (a brightly colored crocheted hat from my Auntie Kathy), put on his rubber boots, got his truck keys (old set of GM keys from our friend Brad) and tried to get out the door! He said he was going on a trip ... He asked if Dad had taken the car or truck to the chiropractor? I said the car, so he told me I'll take the truck then!! He asked me to take his suitcase down the outside stairs, so I did. Then he pulled up the handle and went to the truck! He pointed his keys at the truck and pushed the unlock button but of course it wouldn't unlock!! He looked at me with this look that said, "Now what??!" So I told him Dad had all the truck keys and maybe we should go inside for supper and ask Dad if he has the keys when he gets home!! It was so funny to see him going around the house gathering everything and stuffing it in his suitcase! Before he went out the front door I asked him if I could take his picture before he went on his big trip (I had to include the picture!!)!!

I love witnessing his awesome imagination in action!!! Many times through out the day he comes up with the funniest stories and adventures! He often likes to do this rather than playing with toys! It's great!! Although, I do have to make sure the front door is locked, because he can open both doors and I don't want to be changing Em or something and him decide to go on a trip!!! The other thing he likes to do is check the weather - he opens the door and stands on the front step and then comes back in and reports on the weather!!! Kinda windy, kinda cold, pretty nice ...
I'm trying to keep track of all these little things and write them down, because I know I'll forget otherwise ;)
Blake: Can I take big Teddy swimming? (big Teddy is the big teddy Lindsay gave Emerson!)
Mom: I don't think we can take him to the pool Blake. How about you teach him how to swim at home?
Blake: (looks at me with a furrowed brow) Okay. (goes upstairs for a few minutes and comes down with his shirt off!)
Mom: Why is your shirt off??
Blake: I'm gonna teach big Teddy to swim, can you take my pants off?
Mom: Okay. (Take pants off and Blake goes upstairs. Few seconds later I check out what he's doing and he and big Teddy are in the bathtub and he's "teaching" him how to swim!!!!) I just LOVE his imagination these days!!!
March 18/10
Blake: Did Dad take the car or the truck to work?
Mom: I'm not sure. We'll see when we go outside.
Blake (when we get to the driveway): Dad took the car to work ... that's strange?!
Blake: Holy lots of snow is melting today! (Holy is his new "word"! Holy this and holy that ... !!)
March 20/10
Blake got a tent and tunnel from Grandma and Grandpa and he absolutely LOVES it!! He loves crawling through Colby's tunnel and the tunnels at the play gyms we go to and gymnastics, so was very excited to have his own! But, he at times comes up with different ideas for the tent and tunnel!! Today the tent was a trailer and the tunnel was a truck. The tunnel has different colors on it and Blake decided the different colors were different seats!! He wanted Em to sit in the red seat! He would then get into the front of the "truck" and drive away honking! He even stopped for gas at one point and instructed Em to stay in her seat!!
March 31/10
Blake went into his closet and pulled out his suitcase. He proceeded to pack it with his teddies, pull-ups, wipes, his soo, and his blankies. Then he pulled out his favorite hat (a brightly colored crocheted hat from my Auntie Kathy), put on his rubber boots, got his truck keys (old set of GM keys from our friend Brad) and tried to get out the door! He said he was going on a trip ... He asked if Dad had taken the car or truck to the chiropractor? I said the car, so he told me I'll take the truck then!! He asked me to take his suitcase down the outside stairs, so I did. Then he pulled up the handle and went to the truck! He pointed his keys at the truck and pushed the unlock button but of course it wouldn't unlock!! He looked at me with this look that said, "Now what??!" So I told him Dad had all the truck keys and maybe we should go inside for supper and ask Dad if he has the keys when he gets home!! It was so funny to see him going around the house gathering everything and stuffing it in his suitcase! Before he went out the front door I asked him if I could take his picture before he went on his big trip (I had to include the picture!!)!!
I love witnessing his awesome imagination in action!!! Many times through out the day he comes up with the funniest stories and adventures! He often likes to do this rather than playing with toys! It's great!! Although, I do have to make sure the front door is locked, because he can open both doors and I don't want to be changing Em or something and him decide to go on a trip!!! The other thing he likes to do is check the weather - he opens the door and stands on the front step and then comes back in and reports on the weather!!! Kinda windy, kinda cold, pretty nice ...
I'm trying to keep track of all these little things and write them down, because I know I'll forget otherwise ;)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Yesterday was a very emotional day! Long story short, I picked the kids up from the dayhome at noon and they won't be going back. I don't want to bad mouth Nancy, but I really don't think she took care of Emerson well. She said to me numerous times, "I don't know what to do." Which scared us, worried us and made us feel very uneasy. Blake was sort of adjusting - not crying, but still not talking much to Nancy other then yes and no answers. We just felt the situation was far too stressful for everyone involved and wanted the kids out.
So now for the next major decision ... should I stay home for a few years ... should we look at other dayhomes ... should we look at a live out nanny ... ?? Argh! We're leaning towards me asking for a leave of absence to take a few months to figure things out and look for good childcare if that's the route we want to go.
I'm having a hard time letting go of my job. Not sure why, I haven't been enjoying work this time around. I think part of it is that I've worked for a lot of years ... my first job was at the St. Paul library back in grade 5!! I've worked every summer since grade 10 and off and on through out high school and during college. Hard work is something I value and I like contributing financially to the household. When it comes down to it, I think it's the "independent woman" in me! lol! On the other hand, in an entirely different way I know it would be good for the family for me to be home for a few years. And while working out of the home and juggling childcare is hard, so is being a stay at home Mom. I can't say one is harder then the other, both involve planning, organizing and different sacrifices. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. So there you go - the battle of the modern woman ...
I have the rest of the week off and will be going to work on Monday with a decision made! Cal is off on Monday and Thursday next week and as for Tuesday and Wednesday ... we're not sure!?
Talk to you soon,
So now for the next major decision ... should I stay home for a few years ... should we look at other dayhomes ... should we look at a live out nanny ... ?? Argh! We're leaning towards me asking for a leave of absence to take a few months to figure things out and look for good childcare if that's the route we want to go.
I'm having a hard time letting go of my job. Not sure why, I haven't been enjoying work this time around. I think part of it is that I've worked for a lot of years ... my first job was at the St. Paul library back in grade 5!! I've worked every summer since grade 10 and off and on through out high school and during college. Hard work is something I value and I like contributing financially to the household. When it comes down to it, I think it's the "independent woman" in me! lol! On the other hand, in an entirely different way I know it would be good for the family for me to be home for a few years. And while working out of the home and juggling childcare is hard, so is being a stay at home Mom. I can't say one is harder then the other, both involve planning, organizing and different sacrifices. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. So there you go - the battle of the modern woman ...
I have the rest of the week off and will be going to work on Monday with a decision made! Cal is off on Monday and Thursday next week and as for Tuesday and Wednesday ... we're not sure!?
Talk to you soon,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Great Weekend!
We've had another awesome weekend! Friday morning my Mom, the kids and I met Lesley and Kristy and their kidlets at the Mom, Pop and Tots fair. Bob the Builder was the main attraction this year (last year it was The Big Comfy Couch) and boy oh boy did the boys ever enjoy it!!! Even though Blake's never seen the show, he has a Bob the Builder book that he loves and he loved seeing Bob in person! Colby and Blake stood up the whole time and jumped and danced, it was SO ADORABLE!!! I wish I would have video taped it :) The rest of the fair was great too, Blake also loved the petting zoo and watching the horses! He held a few bunnies and combed a goat. He loves petting zoos and went back twice to see the animals! I also picked up quite a few samples, tips, brochures and reading material! It was a fun morning. Friday afternoon the kids and I went for a walk and Friday evening my Mom babysat Em, while Cal and I took Blake to gymnastics and then out for supper. My Mom stayed over night Friday and it was so nice to have her with us for a few days!! Blake and Em loved spending lots of time with Bamma, but I think Blake was confused at times because Bampa wasn't here!!
Saturday we bought a booster seat for Em. She looks so big in the booster seat, but is really enjoying it and not trying to get out of it, like the high chair ... at least not yet anyways! Blake wanted Em to sit next to him on Saturday night so he could feed her! And he did a great job!! We actually think she ate more with him feeding her, then she does with us feeding her!! Saturday night I went to the movie Valentine's Day with my Mom and her friend Sharon. It was a great movie!
This morning we had a surprise visit from Cal's friend Sean and his daughter Violet. We were all still in our pj's!! Violet and Blake had a blast and played so well together. She was a bit bossy, but he had so much fun playing trains, hide and seek, balloon battle (that's what she called it - they each had a balloon from Em's party - I know they still have helium in them!), hockey, and just running around!! He was tuckered out when she left! This afternoon Em, Heidi and I went for a walk, but it the wind was very cold. Then we met my Mom at BP's for dinner and that was the weekend!
Once again, my days off did not go by too quickly. Which is really nice!! Of course, I'd always love 1 more day, or 4 more days!!, but I'm glad on Sunday night I don't feel as though I was just at work yesterday. Start of a new work week tomorrow (for me - Tuesday for Cal!) and I know tomorrow will be a great day and I'm really hoping Tuesday will be good too. Blake's talked about Nancy's a little bit so here's hoping he'll be himself Tuesday (finger's crossed). Em is feeling better, just a bit stuffy, but hopefully she will also have a good day on Tuesday.
Have a great week everyone :)
Luv The Cameron's
Saturday we bought a booster seat for Em. She looks so big in the booster seat, but is really enjoying it and not trying to get out of it, like the high chair ... at least not yet anyways! Blake wanted Em to sit next to him on Saturday night so he could feed her! And he did a great job!! We actually think she ate more with him feeding her, then she does with us feeding her!! Saturday night I went to the movie Valentine's Day with my Mom and her friend Sharon. It was a great movie!
This morning we had a surprise visit from Cal's friend Sean and his daughter Violet. We were all still in our pj's!! Violet and Blake had a blast and played so well together. She was a bit bossy, but he had so much fun playing trains, hide and seek, balloon battle (that's what she called it - they each had a balloon from Em's party - I know they still have helium in them!), hockey, and just running around!! He was tuckered out when she left! This afternoon Em, Heidi and I went for a walk, but it the wind was very cold. Then we met my Mom at BP's for dinner and that was the weekend!
Once again, my days off did not go by too quickly. Which is really nice!! Of course, I'd always love 1 more day, or 4 more days!!, but I'm glad on Sunday night I don't feel as though I was just at work yesterday. Start of a new work week tomorrow (for me - Tuesday for Cal!) and I know tomorrow will be a great day and I'm really hoping Tuesday will be good too. Blake's talked about Nancy's a little bit so here's hoping he'll be himself Tuesday (finger's crossed). Em is feeling better, just a bit stuffy, but hopefully she will also have a good day on Tuesday.
Have a great week everyone :)
Luv The Cameron's
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