The week of August 22 to 26th all the kids were in summer camps! Cal had most of the week off because we were headed in two separate directions - Cal and Blake to Callingwood arena for the Jason Strudwick Defencemen camp and the girls and I to Servus Place for their day camp called Kool Kidz. It was a good week for the kids to be in camp, as I was feeling very under the weather :( I actually had a hard time driving the girls to camp a couple of mornings. I had a sinus/sore throat/cough/cold thing going on and it hung on for what felt like forever. I'm finally feeling better - just in time for back to work/school ;) Towards the end of the week Cal and Blake actually caught it as well and I had to take Blake to his asthma doctor as his cough and shortness of breath was getting worse and worse. I'm glad I took him in as the dr. explained that asthma patients suffer much worse with the common cold as compared to us 'regular' folk. So he upped his asthma meds and within a week Blake was doing a lot better! Anyways, back to camp! The kids all LOVED their camps. Blake was SO extremely happy to be in a defencemen camp, as all they did was defense drills :) He made some new friends at camp and had a great week! He was also pretty happy to be coached by a former Oiler and fellow defenceman ;) The girls had a blast at their camp! They did so many fun activities - swimming, art, science experiments, water games, indoor sports and games, etc, etc. They loved their leaders and also made some new friends! Here are some photo's from their week:
All ready for Day 1 of summer camp: Kool Kidz at Servus Place!! Monday to Friday, 9 am to 2 pm |
Back from Day 1 of Jason Strudwick defencemen camp - alllll smiles ;) |
A sign of a great day at camp - wet hair from swimming and paint all over from multiple art projects :) |
Beautiful art work and wet hair from swimming all morning = super fun day at camp!! |
Celebrating a great week at camp with brunch and a Shirley Temple! |
And these girls celebrated their awesome week with a Booster Juice :) |