Sneak peak of Fall photo's! |
This is my favorite time of the year!! I love the crispness in the air and the beautiful colors! I've always wanted to have fall family photo's done, but we usually do photo's around the time of our kid's birthdays and we don't have any September babies! Our favorite photographer Rose was in town doing photo sessions a few weeks ago but I passed on the opportunity because I thought we'd get photos done for Reese's 1st birthday in November ... then I regretted my decision :S So this week I quickly found a photographer to take photo's of us this weekend and searched out outfits for the family. Blake and Em were very excited to be outside running around and Reese was busy chewing on her hand ... BUT Karyn did take a lot of photo's and there were some cute moments, so hopefully she caught at least a few good shots :) I'll be sure to post more when we get them back!!
We've had a great few weeks in our house! Cal enjoyed his first Oiler's game of the season, taking in a preseason game. We are sharing season tickets this year with 2 other people, so look forward to attending a few games!! I actually can't wait for the first game we're going to together on October 20th, as we have not had a date night since before Reese was born!!!
Blake had his 2nd dentist visit a few weeks ago and returned last week to have sealants put on 4 of his bottom molars. He was a superstar at the dentist's :) Dr. Bergt didn't have to freeze his mouth and we were in and out in 22 minutes, even though she'd scheduled Blake in for 1 hr!! They were so impressed with how well he sat and cooperated! No complaints, no crying, nothing ... such a good patient! He has extremely deep grooves in his teeth (more so then normal according to the dentist) and so will be prone to cavities his entire life, unfortunately. But he loves to brush and floss, so we'll keep on that and hopefully avoid fillings ;) While at the dentist with Blake, I also scheduled Emerson's 1st visit for March 2012 on kid's day!!
Taking a break at the zoo :) |
We had a super fun time at the Edmonton zoo on Sunday the 25th! It was "free day" in Edmonton (free admission to numerous attractions and fitness facilities in the city) and the kids wanted to take Dad to the zoo!! It was very busy, but with all the space the zoo has it wasn't overwhelming or hard to get around. Blake and Em LOVE Lucy the elephant and were soaking up every bit of information during the "getting to know Lucy" session we attended :) We're going to look into a family pass next summer, as I love taking the kids there to run and explore. Blake really enjoys looking at the maps of where the animals are from and hearing about what they eat and I'm sure Emerson will be into those facts too next year!!
Cal was in Fort McMurray on Monday night for work, which was very strange for me! I have been away from Cal overnight in the past few years, but not the reverse!! Cal always puts Blake and Emerson to bed, so we had to call him to sing their songs they sing every night! It was really sweet, hearing everyone singing over the phone :) He will be doing a bit of travelling now with his new job and is also away this Monday and Tuesday night, so I'm sure we'll be calling him again to sing the bedtime songs!
We had a great time on Saturday at Emma's 2nd birthday party, which Jess and Robb hosted at Dynamyx Gymnastic's Club. Blake and Em and even Reese enjoyed the floor activities and of course the dinner and cake afterwards! It was really nice to visit with my Uncle Clifford and Auntie Cheryl, who we spent a lot of time with when we lived in St. Paul, but don't get to see very often now. Emma enjoyed her party too and is so stinkin' cute, she has a great little personality :)
I am SO excited for our upcoming visit to Lindsay and Jeremy's house in Fort McMurray this weekend!! I can't wait to see their new house, but mostly can't wait to spend time with my family and see Linds' baby bump ;) It will be really nice to go to them for once, as they are always coming to us!
Our visit to Fort Mac will be followed by Cal's week off!! Yippee!!!! It will be a busy week though, we have a lot to accomplish around home! But will be nice to have him home and I'm sure we'll squeeze in some fun ;)
Take care everyone, talk to you again soon!
xoxo The Cameron's