Wednesday, February 7, 2007

11.5 Weeks To Go!!

Hi! We haven't posted in awhile. Not too much is new. Our next doctor's appointment is February 15th. Apparently after this appointment we will have to go every two weeks. I didn't hear back from my doctor regarding the lab tests I had a few weeks ago, so I am assuming everything was fine. They usually don't call unless there is a concern. I hope everyone enjoyed the 3D ultrasound pictures! We sure love them and love watching the DVD! We're not going to post the DVD on the blog because it is 45 min. long!! We have picked out a paint colour for the room and have bought two really cute pictures. They are of baby Big Bird petting a giraffe and of baby Cookie Monster giving a cookie to a baby tiger! They're so adorable! We've also signed up for a diaper service - Happy Nappy! If you are interested you can view their website at A friend recommended the company to us. We're of course excited about this as well - there seems to be an "excitement" theme here!! We're excited about EVERYTHING!!! You know the song, "I'm so excited and I just can't hide it ..." That's pretty much our theme song right now! Until someone reminds us of the other aspects of having a baby! Such as the sleepless nights (which we're trying to minimize by reading Babywise!), the fact that from the day we found out we were having a baby to forever we will never stop worrying, the terrible twos, the teens, etc, etc!! Actually I read a fantastic story about motherhood and parenthood in general which I will post. Get the Kleenex out! Anyways, Cal's birthday is this Sunday so the baby and I have to go shopping!! We actually just realized a few days ago that we will have our first Mother's Day and Father's Day this year! The baby will be born right in time for Mother's Day (unless he/she is a couple of weeks late)!! Anyways, we hope all is well with everyone and we will talk to you soon!

Luv Tracy and crew!

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