Monday, February 26, 2007

A great weekend and Another great class!

Today we had our second prenatal class! It went great! Learned about the different stages of labour and what we will be going through and how to help all the possible side effects! Cal has learned some new massage techniques and a bit about his role as a coach! He'll be an awesome coach!! We thought the video we watched last week was as "graphic" as it would get, but found out differently this class! 3 words - Crowning up close! Cal figures he has a pretty good idea of what I will be going through during labour, because the nurse said any male who has had kidney stones has came very close to experiencing the pain of labour. And Cal has had kidney stones 3 times, so it's like being in labour 3 times! I also learned that if I can make it to the Transition phase, which is the quickest but most painful, without an epidural I can do it without one!! I also have a really funny story about one couple, but it's too long to write here so remind me to tell you about it next time we talk!

Candace visited this weekend and we had a great time shopping (we had to check out E-Children of course) and visiting! We took a few quick pic's together on Sunday morning, but we really should have taken them Saturday night when we were a little more "put together"! We will take more next visit! Candace and Lindsey are hoping to make it up for a visit before the end of April. It was great to see Candace and we had to laugh when we gave each other a hug and our belly's bumped!! I only wish we lived closer. It's crazy because we have so many of the same ideas and values and it's really nice to talk with someone who thinks the same as you!! So thanks Candace for the visit! We did decide this weekend that we could be in trouble if we lived closer - we'd be shopping all the time!

I posted another picture, without the white shirt on this time because it is really too snug now! Take care and we hope to talk to you soon! Love your comments, keep 'em coming!

Love Cal, Tracy and Baby


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the picture of you and Candace.(of course she showed me the ones on her camera) You 2 are so gorgeous and I can not wait to meet the babies!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.