Friday, March 16, 2007

Busy, busy ...

So we have had a very busy week! We finished painting the babies room on Sunday evening. We did one coat of paint Saturday night and the last on Sunday night. Then on Monday Cal set up the crib and I washed all the bedding and clothes, etc. that we have and put everything away! The room looks really good and the armoire and crib really look great together! We still have to get the rocking chair from my parents house. It is the rocking chair they got when I was born! We didn't put up the Sesame Street pictures, we are still debating on whether or not to keep them. I will post some pictures of the room when I can. It is kind of hard to take a picture of the "whole" room in one shot. So we are getting there ... next we will have to make sure we know how to put the car seat base and seat in the car! I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Of course I can't get comfortable and my arm and leg keep falling asleep, back hurts, etc! Working is getting a little hard too. I am on my feet all day and bending down and sitting on the floor and walking a lot (except when I sit down to call Cal, my sister, my Mom or Lesley!! I need a reason to sit down so they are receiving a lot of calls through out the day!!). My back is hurting me when I get up and down and bend over too much. I've stopped doing really heavy lifting of course. On Thursday I had a doctor's appointment and the babies heart rate was in the 130's. I gained 1.5 pounds so the doctor was happy to see that, but it still is less than average. She recommended that I cut my work week down to 3 days a week, so beginning next week I will be working 3 days a week. She said I should get more rest and put on a little more weight! It's weird because although I haven't gained much weight my belly has certainly grown in the last two weeks! A lot of my clothes aren't quite fitting anymore. I remember when I first started trying on maternity clothes I thought the shirts were all so long and now they're too short to fit over my round stomach! I also asked the Dr. about travelling to Saskatchewan (in a car - not flying). I would like to go see my Grandparents before the baby is born. My Grandpa had a stroke and is in the hospital and I am not sure when I would be able to get there after the baby is born, so I would like to go before. The Dr. said it is fine to travel by car but to keep in mind that at this point the baby could come anytime. So I might be going to visit in the next couple of weeks. My Dad is in Tisdale right now and says that my Grandpa is doing pretty good and today he was walking with a walker so that is fantastic news!! I felt the strangest thing on Wednesday night - I was sitting on the couch and had my hand on my stomach and felt something like a tennis ball rolling under my hand!! It must have been the babies heel or bum or something!! I gave a little scream because it felt so weird! I felt it again last night. Must be getting cramped in there! On Monday and Wednesday this week we have our prenatal class. Wednesday is our last class. They have been excellent and I would highly recommend taking the class! I was talking to my friend Sarah on Monday and her son Gibson was born at 34 weeks!! Wow! I couldn't imagine, but I think we are ready. Then again I don't know if you are ever completely "ready"! Anyways, it looks like I've wrote a short story here!! I hope everyone is well, talk to you soon!

Love Cal, Tracy and Baby

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