Monday, April 9, 2007

Big Baby!?!

Being Monday, today was my regular weekly appointment. The babies heart rate was 130 bpm. The Dr. said I am measuring 38 cm. Apparently at this point in time how many cm's you are measuring is usually equal with how many weeks you are pregnant, so I am measuring a little bit bigger than 37 weeks and a few days. No reason for concern though, the baby could just be a little bit bigger than "average"!! Fantastic, hey?! Can't wait to deliver that!! J.K., I actually can't wait! I'm starting to think about delivering naturally vs. c-section, etc. and I have a pretty open mind so whatever it takes to meet this little one and help it arrive safely and healthy, that's okay with me! I mean, in the grand scheme of things we just want a healthy baby. Babies head is still down and its back curves to the left (so when I'm looking down at my stomach - my left), which is congruent with where I feel its little bum and feet!! Cal and I have been busy these past few days. We've cleaned out my car, taken it to Bubbles for a scrub, put the car seat in the truck, cleaned out the storage room and a cabinet in the living room, and dropped some donations off at Goodwill! We also straightened out the garage a little bit and made a pile of garage sale items. Hopefully this summer we'll get around to having that garage sale! Cal's planning on finishing the garage this summer (he insulated it last fall) and building a shed in the back yard. He has to plan the shed's location according to his hockey rink! Don't you know all the great hockey players had rinks in their back yards?! Carmen and the kids are coming to Edmonton tomorrow for a visit so I'm looking forward to seeing them. I haven't seen the twins since Christmas so I'm sure it will be nice to see how they've changed. Anyways, I won't keep you any longer. Hope everyone is well and had a nice Easter! Take care!

Love Cal, Tracy and Baby


Anonymous said...

I cannot beleive that we are all going to be able to meet this little one so soon! It seems like just yesterday that I found out that you were expecting. Looking forward to the phone call!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - so the baby will be sized according to you and Lindsay!I thought you would have your appointment today as yesterday was a holiday but I guess not a holiday for everyone... I am having trouble being gone and you are only pregnant, what will happen when the baby comes? I will drive your grandpa nuts with emails and cameras.
Don't work too hard and see you all soon.
Love Grandma Smith