Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happy Canada Day!!

Happy Canada Day everyone! We're heading to Slave Lake tonight after Cal gets back from his Running Room clinic and won't be home until Monday! We're looking forward to our little holiday! This week has been nice because Cal was off on Monday and now he's off until Monday again, so we've had lots of family time! This weekend we're staying with my Mom and Dad in their house - I mean 5th wheel!! LOL! It really doesn't feel like camping! Cal will be doing a lot of fishing with Dad and Dion in Dion's SWEET new boat! Hopefully they'll bring dinner home at least one night! We had our New Mom's Network yesterday and learned all about baby nutrition and when/how to start introducing solids. It should be interesting! I plan on making Blake's baby food. But, we have a few more months to wait of course! Oh, and Blake weighed in at 12 lbs 3 oz yesterday. Next week we have his 8 week check up with the Pediatrician and I changed his immunization appointment to the following week, because we are going to Grande Prairie for a family reunion the day his original appointment was scheduled. Blake is so smiley this week! I love it! He's been pretty smiley since week 1, but now you can really get him going and he even squeals sometimes!! He is also very interested in all of his surroundings. His little head turns every direction checking out everything around him! It's amazing how he's changing and maturing! I think today for the first time he noticed Jazz! He was sitting in his bouncy chair just staring at him!! Every day brings something new. But, I better go get some housework done before he wakes up from his nap. Have a fantastic long weekend and we'll talk to ya again!

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blake looks like your Mom in the picture with the Colts onsie!