Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Mom's Network

Yesterday we had our first New Mom's Network meeting. It was really fun! There are 13 Mom's in our group and only 3 babies are girls! We were all laughing saying that the boys will be in fierce competition for the girls attention! The oldest baby was born in February and Blake is the youngest in the group. We will be discussing various topics each week, such as infant massage, nutrition, dental health, post-partum strengthening exercises, sleeping and crying, etc. So we should learn some new stuff! I'm excited for the infant massage. I'm hoping I might learn some new tips to help Blake go to the bathroom! LOL! His poor stomach gets hard as a rock sometimes. I also registered for Strollerobics at the YMCA. It starts in July. And I've been looking into Mom and Baby yoga and Salsa Babies. I'll probably start one of those once the New Mom's Network is over. Two groups a week is enough, because between that, housework and all the visiting the week is full!! Plus I'm beginning to think that it's a good idea to have a few days at home to help Blake establish somewhat of a routine. He's done a lot of napping in his car seat so far!! But he is doing really good! You wouldn't believe what he weighed in at this week!!! Take a guess - nope not 10 lbs ... 11 lbs 2 oz! So his little gain last week was more than made up for this week! Sure is a healthy boy! He's starting to grow out of the newborn clothes and into the 0-3 months, but I'm still finding the 0-3 months a little bit too big. He is changing every day! Just a few days ago I got a huge full face grin! He's been smiling and grinning for awhile now, but this was a huge grin! It was so cute! And last night I was reading him a book and when I said a certain sentence about the boy's Mom wanting to send him to a zoo he gave me that huge grin again!!! So I said the sentence again and again and again!!! He's also found his thumb! From a few days old he's been trying to stick his whole hand in his mouth and now he is a little bit better at it! He is "talking" a lot more now too! It is soooo... cute! Cal is doing good too! He is extremely busy at work and is busy with ball hockey and his running clinic as well. Blake and I will be cheering him on in August when he runs his first 10K race! I had my 6 week check up today and all is good. Doc said I could get pregnant again if I wanted!!! It is tempting ... but I think I'll wait a few months and let my body recoup a little more! LOL! Anyways, I should get going and make supper!! Take care!

Love Tracy, Cal and Blake

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