Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What's with this weather??

We're not enjoying the weather these days ... makes it hard to get outside and do our Strollerobics!! Our class is officially over, but some friends are I are continuing with the routine. A few girls actually go everyday, but we won't be doing that! Starting in September we are going to Baby and Me Aqua fit on Tuesdays and Salsa Babies on Thursdays. And we'll still have our New Mom's Group on Wednesdays! So that leaves Mondays and Fridays for Strollerobics/day's at home! I'm really excited for Baby and Me Aqua fit!! I love the water and I hope Blake will too! I know he loves his baths, so hopefully he'll love to pool! This past weekend we went to Fort McMurray to visit my sister and Jeremy. We had a fantastic time. Blake was really, really good! He slept well and loved his new playpen! It was the first time we'd used it! We got it as a shower gift from Auntie Lesley and Auntie Carmen - thanks ladies! Blake is definitely becoming quite the little traveller!! My sister's new house is beautiful and I just can't believe my little sister is so grown up! It was great to stay at her place and visit and see where she lives! We sure miss her! We also visited with a few of our cousins as well. I posted a few pictures from the weekend. My cousin Jeanine and her little girl Ryann finally got to meet Blake and we got to visit, which was really nice. We also visited with my cousin's Jessica and Garett! Tonight after his bath Blake let out his biggest laugh yet!! It brought tears to my eyes! There really is nothing in the world like the sound of your babies laugh. We love it!! Blake is also very, very close to rolling from his back to his stomach. He gets himself on his side very easily now! We are also wondering if he is starting to teeth. He's chewing like crazy on everything and drooling a lot. We also feel a raised bump under his gums on the one side. The nurse says that babies can start teething as early as 3 months and that teeth may almost break the surface and disappear for awhile until they finally one day break through. So it may still be awhile before a tooth actually pops up! Anyways, I should get going! There's a lot of laundry to be done!! What's new?! LOL!

Cal, Tracy and Blake

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