Friday, September 7, 2007

Those darn immunizations!!

So Blake has had an off few days since his immunizations. For his 2 month shots I gave him Tylenol before his appointment and this time I didn't. But I will definitely be doing it from now on!! He's still okay, just had a bit of a fever and was pretty clingy for awhile. I don't mind the clinginess though - just means more cuddles and rocking, which I love!! He has grown 3 cm in the past month, but has not gained any weight at all. He's now just below the 50 percentile for weight. The health nurse said it was a little odd that he didn't gain any weight, but that he looks healthy and seems healthy and content so she is not too concerned. She wants us to bring him back in 1 month though just to make sure he does gain. I told her that our pediatrician recommended giving him rice cereal at 3 months to help with his reflux and that I hadn't done that so far and she said to try it out, that it wouldn't hurt. So we'll probably start that this weekend. I'm not so excited to start solids, even though it's just rice cereal for now!! It seems too fast and I want him still be a little baby!! Aren't I pathetic!? LOL! Time is just flying by way, way too fast ...

Tracy :)


Anonymous said...

Those darn babies and their weight always worring their what does Blake weigh now?? I have no idea what Ry weigh's I am guessing about 20 pounds. Tylenol is a good good thing hey?? Ry has never had a problem until her last one at eighteen months she swelled up to about the size of a loonie where she got the injections but they didn't seen to bother her I just kept her hopped up on Tylenol for a bit..haha....anyways give Blake a hug for me. Love you guys

The Cameron Family 5 said...

I know! It was never an issue when he was gaining so fast!! But he's still a fair sized baby! He weighs 14 lbs 8 oz. On the Pediatrician's scale in August he weighed 14 lbs 11 oz and on the Health Unit's scale in August he weighed 14 lbs 8 oz, so we will see what he weighs this time on the Pediatrician's scale in a couple of weeks!!