Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a great long weekend! It has been nice having Cal home this past week!! Tomorrow (9th) is our 3 year wedding anniversary! My how time flies!! It is also Blake's Grandma Bev's birthday! Happy Birthday Grandma! Blake is now 5 months, 3 days old. My parents just got back from a 4 week vacation on Thursday evening and said they noticed a huge difference in Blake! Not that he grew much, but that he is much more interactive! He reaches for everything now and laughs and makes different faces at different situations. He especially loves to laugh at Heidi and Jazz and "pet" them too!!! My glasses, hair and necklace also are tugged on regularly! Actually everything he can get his hands on gets pulled and most likely brought to his mouth! He is teething like crazy! It actually hurts when he gnaws on your fingers! I'm not sure if any teeth are going to pop up soon or if he'll just teethe for months upon months! Some of his friend's have had 2 teeth pop up around 5 months and others are 8 months old with no teeth in sight! LOL! Blake has had a cold these past 5 days, but today it is much better. I felt so bad for him, especially during the night, he would get so stuffed up it would be hard for him to breathe. I just wish babies could blow their noses! But thankfully the cold is clearing up. Blake LOVES his Jolly Jumper! It's great for Cal and I too because we can put him in it and do some things around the house without worrying about him becoming bored or upset! He's not quite the jumper I'm sure he will be, but we have it in the front room and he does circles and looks outside at the trees and grass and the big air filled Halloween ornament we have on the lawn! Today while jumping my Mom and I were making turkey soup and we gave him a big carrot to chew/suck on and he just loved it! Probably felt good on his gums. It is crazy how their hand/eye coordination develops so fast. He just took that carrot and put it right in his mouth! When we're eating now he stares at us and the food with this hungry look on his face! He has successfully eaten rice and oat cereal and this week we're going to try barley and wheat. Then next week I think we'll try some meat. It involves a lot of work/planning on Mom and Dad's end!!! But I'm so glad that he is now enjoying his cereal! Anywho, I should get to bed! Blake goes to bed around 7:30 and gets up around 6:30 (other than during his cold!) so I really could get a good sleep too, but I'm a night owl! Talk to ya soon!

Luv Tracy

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