Thursday, May 22, 2008

1st Camping Trip of the year!

We had a great time on May long weekend at Cross lake! The weather was gorgeous, the campground was really nice, we had lots of fun and it was awesome to have our own camper!! I'm sure my Mom, Dad, Lindsay and Jeremy would agree! No early morning Blake wake up calls! LOL! Blake had a blast and was so good. He woke up a few times the first night and then seemed to be used to the trailer and actually slept longer than usual the second night!! He played and played and played during the day and ate and ate and ate!!! He was so hungry - I think it must have been all the fresh air! We did a little bit of fishing with my sister and Jeremy in their boat, but I didn't catch anything :( Cal did on the second day though :) It was fun and nice to get out on the lake! We already have another 5 camping trips planned for the summer, a trip to the Calgary zoo, and 1 week at the family cabin in Saskatchewan planned!! Looks like it will be a fun summer :) I discovered this week that Blake has 2 new teeth! 2 bottom eye teeth. The teeth count is up to 10! It's getting harder and harder to feel for his teeth though, because he bites down as soon as I put my finger in his mouth! It's equally as hard to brush his teeth! Blake is now completely on homo milk. We weaned him slowly from formula, one scoop at a time! Next up, weaning him from the bottle! That should be interesting ... On the walking front, Blake is so close, but just won't let go!! We even give him a finger to hold and he can walk along, but as soon as we let go he stands there and then quickly sits down. It's kinda funny! I say he's just really smart :) Blake is saying "Mom" and "Dad" very clearly and sometimes at appropriate times, but it's hard to know if he is actually associating the word with Cal or I or if he's just saying it!? I don't know, but I do know I love hearing it!! And he's still mimicking us. His favorite these days is a monkey - eee, ooo, aaa! Cal likes to "monkey around" with him! LOL! Tomorrow we have our last Baby Laptime of the spring. We may register for it again in the fall, but we'll see. We hope everyone had a great May long weekend and enjoys the upcoming weekend. Hopefully we'll get some sun! Take care!

Luv Tracy

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