Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Cameron's are under the weather :(

That's right ... we're ALL sick! Boo Hoo!! Blake and I finally got antibiotics yesterday, so hopefully things will start clearing up soon. We've both been to the doctor twice. The first time I went I didn't have an infection, just a virus so those bugs don't need drugs! LOL! But now I must have caught Blake's infection. Hopefully Cal just has a virus and starts feeling better soon. If not, I guess he's off to the doctor too! Other than being sick, we're great :) On Thursday Cal and I went to Cirque de Soleil and it was awesome!!! Even better than the show we saw in Vegas! My sister stayed over Friday night and on Saturday we headed to the St. Albert market. I love that market! Apparently it's Western Canada's largest outdoor market. I love buying all the fresh fruit and produce! Especially the baby cucumbers!! After the market we came back to our house and then Linds and I headed out for a pedicure and some shopping. It was a fun day. That night was long though - Blake and I spent four hours at the hospital waiting to see a doctor. Blake's fever was getting pretty high and I didn't want to spend another night worrying about the fever and if he's okay or not, so I took him in. I'm glad I did, because otherwise I would have lied awake and checked on him a gazillion times. Today we slept in a bit and went to Costco with my Mom and Dad. Blake still has a fever but his nose isn't dripping as much as yesterday. Hopefully these antibiotics clear things up fast! We're going camping next weekend and everyone needs to be 100% again!! Hopefully everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the hot weather on Saturday!

Luv Tracy

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