Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fall is upon us ...

Wow, have the temperatures ever dropped in the last week. I'm not sure if this is good or not ... I love fall, don't like the really high temp.'s of summer, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for this brisk weather!? Last Thursday I had a great day to myself. I took Blake to the day home a little later in the morning and ran some errands, did some house work, went for a fabulous massage and then picked Blake up early!! The massage was soooo... nice! I went to a spa near our house and had a pregnancy massage for the first time. It was heaven! I plan on going back at 6 months!! On Friday morning Cal, Blake and I went into Stony Plain to visit with my sister for a while before we went camping with my parents to Jasper. It was a nice visit. Lindsay couldn't believe how fast Blake was "running"!! He's really picked up the pace in the last couple of weeks!! We don't even put the baby gates up in our house anymore. He goes up and down the stairs and all around the house!! We try to keep a close eye on him still of course. He tends to spend a lot of time in the front room trying on our shoes and walking around in them!! It's hilarious! About a week ago I didn't have a close eye on him and he had his first "encounter" with Jazz. Of course, Blake came out on the losing end. I heard Jazz hiss and Blake scream so I went running up the stairs and there was Blake running towards me crying and talking in a very angry voice. I picked him up and took him to Cal's chair to rock him, but he wanted down. So I let him down and he scooted up the stairs and went and grabbed Jazz' tail again!! All the time sounding like he was cursing Jazz! It was quite funny, but at the same time I had hoped after one encounter he'd learn to respect Jazz' space!! He's doing good now though and definitely listens when we say, "Ta ta Jazz." Jazz actually seems to like Blake most of the time, but will not tolerate Blake grabbing his tail, ears, face, etc! Gentle hands only!! Blake' s started reading me a book at bedtime! We usually read the same book each night (Good Night Moon) and a couple of weeks ago he started reading me the book. It is soooo.. sweet! I read him the book in a very quiet voice and he reads to me in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. Then at certain points in the book he'll look up at me with a sweet little grin and kind of cuddle into me. My heart melts :) When he's playing at home he sometimes sits by his bookcase and reads for a short time. It makes he happy to see him reading, I hope he continues to enjoy books! But I've digressed from our last camping trip of 2008 :( We stayed at Whistler campground near Jasper. It was a great weekend, despite the cool temperature!! Our furnace got a work out and we now know how long our battery lasts!! I love Jasper and just being in the mountains. Blake had a good time too! He really enjoys camping and just being outside. And he sleeps so well in the trailer, I think all the fresh air tuckers him out!! We can't wait for May long 2009 when a new camping season begins!! And it will also be our new babies first camping trip! On another exciting note, I felt the baby kick for the first time! I haven't felt it too much since, just occasionally so hopefully I'll start feeling it more and more! I have a doctor's appt. next week. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going! It's crazy!! With Blake each week felt like forever and now I'm 17 weeks pregnant and it just seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting. I guess that's the difference between having no kids and working and having a one year old and working!! And I understand time keeps going faster as you get older ... BOOOOO!!! I have to find a way to slow time down. (I'll let you know if I do!) Blake starts swimming lessons this coming Saturday at the YMCA. He is in Bubblers!! Cal is going to take him most weekends. Blake loves the pool, so I think it will be fun for them both!! We hope everyone had a fantastic September long weekend. Those who have kids headed back to school, enjoy the back to school craziness!!

Cal, Tracy, Blake and Baby

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