Monday, February 2, 2009

6 Days to Due Day!!

That's right - just 6 more days until my due date! At least this time around I've only had 1 due date!!

I had a Dr. appointment today and everything is good, as per usual. The last few weeks I've lost some weight, but that happened with Blake too and it's not a large amount so no one is worried. My blood pressure is great, there is no protein in my urine and baby is moving lots! Right now I weigh 10 lbs less then I did at the end of my first pregnancy. I hope this will help with the weight loss after the baby arrives!! Today the babies heart rate was 137 bpm. Baby has dropped some more and is "engaged". I can definitely tell - there is a lot more soft space at the top of my belly!! I'm hoping this baby has a lot of hair, because my heart burn has not lessened one bit. I'm popping Tum's like crazy! I had a lot of heart burn with Blake too. The Dr. checked me out today and I am 2 cm dilated, but my cervix has not thinned out yet, therefore she predicted I would not go into labour before my due date. So I made another appointment for Monday, February 9th and we'll see if I make it or not and if I do we'll see what's changed in a week! Cal would like the baby to be born on his birthday so maybe he'll get his wish :) Valentine's Day would be cool too, but not sure if I want to wait that long!! The Dr. also asked me to go for a non-stress test this weekend to make sure baby is still happy and if I am overdue I will have to go in every couple of days for a test. She said if the baby is happy she will let me go 8-10 days before inducing me. I really hope it doesn't come to that! All in all, everything is great and I'm feeling pretty darn good! I'm sleeping not too badly and I'm not feeling too impatient (yet)!

This week has been good. The three of us are over our various illnesses and we've had a very productive week! We crossed off a ton from our to do list. Babies room is all ready, we took some stuff to the Goodwill, sold some clothes and toys to Once Upon A Child, took the bottles back, cleaned the house (including the basement!), and made a few meals to freeze for after baby arrives! Next on my list is to get everyone's birthday and Valentine's gifts bought, signed, wrapped and ready!! Oh and I'd like to get a hair cut and a pedicure :) And if I get all of that done, I'm sure I'll find more! The list literally never ends!

On Thursday evening I had a great dinner out with some of the ladies from my New Mom's Group. We always have fun when we get together! Blake and I went shopping with my Mom and Dad on Friday morning. We took Blake to see the quads at Riverside! He had fun and Grandpa even found him a quad helmet in the right size. Blake's tried it on a few times and it sure looks cute! He also got a model of a quad that he loves playing with and tried to take to bed with him a few times!! He's such a funny kid! Lately he's been getting a kick out of "scaring" people. He laughs a full out belly laugh if you get scared! It is one of the best sounds in the world!!! This weekend, if we haven't had the baby, we're going to walk around the RV show and see what's new in the RV world. The walking will do me good!

Take care everyone! We'll email everyone as soon as we can when baby arrives and Lindsay will likely post something on here and Facebook!

xoxo Tracy


Anonymous said...

Oh Lil' Cameron! Please come out to see us all! We are sooooo eager to meet you!

Gerry and Lesley said...

Come out soon, little Cameron! We can't wait to meet our new niece or nephew! Hoping for an easy delivery for Mommy and an easy entry into the world for you!! Love you guys! Take care!