Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!! We certainly did! It's been a great weekend. Busy once again, but that's every day in our household!!

We have also had a good week. On Tuesday we started Fun for Ones at the Londonderry Library. Blake and I attended, while my Mom and Em shopped the mall! This week the 3 of us will be all attending! Emerson will likely sleep through it though ;)

Our weekend started out on Friday with a trip west - not too far though, just to Spruce Grove and Stony Plain! Cal dropped Blake, Em and I off at the Tri-Leisure Centre in Spruce Grove where we met Lesley and Colby for a play date at the play gym. The boys had fun running, climbing, sliding and playing. My Mom came by and took Emerson for a walk around the track! She usually sleeps most of the morning, so the walk helped her stay asleep! Cal continued on to my Dad's garage in Stony Plain. The front brakes on our car needed replacing, so they tackled that fun task!! After the play gym my Mom took the 4 of us home. Blake pulled on his new Carharrts and rubber boots and played outside for awhile. After his nap he went back outside and played with Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed for supper and headed home for bed time!

On Sunday we woke up to treats from the Easter bunny! Blake was very excited about his hockey nets. He's been focusing on goalies lately, so was thrilled to see the "goalie nets and goalie sticks!" After playing hockey for awhile we went to church. Blake was getting antsy at church so Cal took him outside. Blake was playing with his puck and did a nose dive off the curb and came up with some road rash on his face! Now he really looks like a hockey player! LOL! After church we came home and waited for my Mom, Dad, Lindsay and Jeremy to come over for Easter dinner. We ate an early dinner and played outside some more!!

Blake has been busier than usual the past few days. We're not sure why?! Perhaps Spring fever? It's been very difficult to keep him inside. We're not letting him play in the backyard by himself quite yet. We have to clean up from the winter a bit more! But it will be good when he can go out there whenever he wants.

Emerson will be 8 weeks old tomorrow! She is doing good! Still a bit stuffed up, but much better. She is sleeping so good at night, it's almost embarrassing!! LOL! I don't know if you know what I mean, but sometimes you're almost scared to tell people if your child is sleeping good! Her naps are pretty sporadic still, but that will come hopefully. She's not as easy as Blake was to put to sleep because she's not taking a soother, so we're trying to help her learn to fall asleep on her on. And once she does she's been sleeping from 7-9 hours before her 1st feeding. And then she eats and sleeps for another couple of hours. She has her 2 month check up next week, so as long as she's gaining weight I will continue to NOT wake her up to eat!! Emerson is getting more and more interactive and I love going into her room when she wakes up, because as soon as she sees me she starts grinning!! She has the cutest dimple on her right cheek. So sweet :) Every time I look at her I can't help but think she looks a lot like my Mom's side of the family! She reminds me of my Grandpa Kelley! When I told my Mom that, she said she used to think the same thing about my sister and I when we were babies! Next week Em also has her 2 month immunizations :( I'll be glad when those are over.

On Saturday evening Cal changed Blake's crib into a toddler bed. When he went to bed that night he was pretty hyper and it took him awhile to fall asleep, but he didn't climb out or get really upset so we were impressed! I was beginning to question why we decided to put him in a bed, when he was having no problems with the crib, but then I remembered that we wanted him to get used to the bed before we started potty training. Anyways, so far so good!! We really "talked it up" so I think that helped! And he had Grandma and Grandpa here to ooo and awe over the "big boy bed", so that probably helped as well :)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! Our weather has been absolutely fantastic !! Enjoy ;)

Love Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson

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