Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My First Preschool

Today Blake had his first "My First Preschool" class! He had a lot of fun! There are 11 children in the his class, ranging in age from 2 to 3. They started out the class with all the kids sitting on the carpet and doing attendance. When your name was called the teacher asked you to say, "Good Morning." They followed that by reading a book and then doing a craft. Today Blake made a flower on construction paper, with tissue paper and green finger paint. The leaves were his hand prints and there was a hole cut out of the centre for a picture! After the craft there was some free-play time and then it was clean up time and singing a few more songs. Blake really enjoyed the class! I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with me not there, but I think I'll stay at least once more before leaving. It's up to you whether or not you stay the whole time or leave. I was hoping to register him in a summer session, but they take a break over the summer for the day camps and start up again in September. So we'll do it again in September! Tomorrow evening Blake and Cal start their next round of swimming lessons. Em and I are going for the first one!

This morning before preschool we popped into my office for a visit. It was great to see everyone and hear all the gossip! LOL! Apparently I'm greatly missed, which always makes ya feel good :) I do miss it, but love my time with the kids. It's that age old battle a woman fights - home vs. career!

Emerson is "talking" so much these past few days! I LOVE it!! We're carrying on little conversations all the time. The coo's are just too cute! And she is so smiley! It's hilarious! Sometimes I can't even look at her when I'm feeding her because she just keeps grinning and grinning and not swallowing!!

Thank goodness our weather is looking up again! We're going to the zoo on Monday, so hopefully the forecast of +20 will hold true!

Enjoy the remainder of the week (yay it's "hump" day!)!!


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