Wednesday, July 15, 2009

5 Months Old Tomorrow!

Yes, Emerson will be 5 months old tomorrow!! Very hard for us to believe! I took her to the health unit today for a weigh and measure. She weighed in at 14 lbs 6 3/4 ounces and was 60.5 cm long (I think that's around 24"). So she's doing great, growing as she should be! I seriously feel like I've blinked and 5 months have past by. I just can not believe she's almost 1/2 year old!!? Boy oh boy! She continues to do great! Blake was a fantastic sleeper, but Emerson is just unbelievable!! Blake slept 12-13 hours a night, with 1-2 feedings. But we really can't get over how Emerson goes to bed and that's it for the night! 95% of the time we don't hear a peep from her. She doesn't wake up to eat, doesn't cry, just goes to sleep and that's all! If Blake would have done that I probably would have been super worried and gotten up 2 or 3 times a night to check him!!! Second time around is a bit different ... when I go to bed I crash and don't move until I hear one of them! In hindsight though, I think Blake may have not needed those night time feedings for the first few months if I would have fed him on both sides. If he fell asleep I didn't wake him to eat on the other side as I do with Emerson. She, like Blake, does need her sleep though. If we keep her up at a time she "should" be sleeping or we keep her up too late, it's not a pretty sight! She certainly lets us know that she is not happy!!! We're enjoying how she is getting more and more active each day. She's now at the stage where everything goes into her mouth, most especially her hands! We can see a couple of teeth under her gums and she's drooling like crazy!! She gets quite a kick out of Heidi and Jazz! If she catches sight of them, she smiles and follows them with her eyes! I try to let her pet them too, which I think she likes! She turns right onto her side, from her back, and looks like she's about to roll over! The first time she rolls from her back to her tummy, may be her last for awhile, because she really does not like being on her tummy! We're trying hard to give her more tummy time! She's starting to push off the ground with her feet in her Jumperoo. Blake seems to think she should be in there a lot more! He's always saying, "Mom, put Em in Jumpoo!" Her big open mouthed grin is so adorable, I just want to eat her up!!! LOL!

Blake's been surprising us these past few weeks with his song sing abilities!! At night time I always rock him and sing him a few lullabies, and he now sings along with me! It's good his head is resting on my shoulder, because I have a hard time keeping a straight face and he gets mad when I laugh! I'm just laughing because he's so darn cute, but he doesn't understand that!! Some of his favorite songs to sing are, Bringing Home My Baby Bumblebee, Wheels on the Bus, You are My Sunshine, Down in the Valley, and the ABC's! He's getting very good with the ABC's and especially enjoys belting out, "Next time won't you sing with me!!!!" I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but he's also saying I love you. It melts you heart! "I love you Mom, I love you Dad!" Or sometimes he'll say I love you too or if I say I love you so much Blake, he'll say I love you so much Mom! One night he was listing off the people he loves - I wuv Mom, I wuv Dad, I wuv Heidi, I wuv Jazz, I wuv Em, I wuv Bamma, I wuv Bampa, I wuv Auntie, I wuv Uncle, and then he says, I wuv D-Don and pauses and giggles and says Noooo!!! So I said, "No? D-Don is just a good friend?" And he said, "Yep!" LOL! He's still doing great with Emerson. We don't have to worry at all about him being gentle with her. He often "pets" her head ever so softly! I love when I see him doing it out of the corner of my eye :) He'll often push her around the kitchen in her bouncy chair! He says he's giving Em a ride. He also has to say goodnight to her every night. He was very upset a few nights ago when he didn't get to say goodnight! If she's eating, he'll just blow her a kiss and hug her legs, but if she's not eating he gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It is so sweet!!!

So the Kenny Chesney concert last Thursday was AMAZING!!! He is such a great performer and every song was awesome! I'm so glad I got a ticket for Mother's Day :D The kids and Cal did great! Em woke up once, but fell back asleep quickly and of course Blake and Cal had fun! Thank goodness my husband is so fantastic!!! I know it was a bit stressful for him, wondering what might happen if Emerson woke up and wouldn't take a bottle, but thankfully we didn't have to worry about that!

Cal, Emerson and I attended a wedding on Saturday. The ceremony was held at the bride's parents farm, just outside of Drayton Valley. It was a gorgeous location! We had a lot of fun catching up with friends we hadn't seen in awhile (since Cal's I&R work days). Emerson did pretty good. She was in party mode though - didn't sleep much at all! But she slept in Sunday morning, so that was good! Blake had fun at Grandma and Grandpa D's! He did really well in his new bed and as always is continuously asking to go back!!

Sunday afternoon we went over to Gerry, Lesley and Colby's for a visit. The boys had fun playing in Colby's ginormous play room downstairs!! Blake wanted to be in control of all the toys, but Colby didn't seem to mind too much :) They had fun and played well together!

Cal was off Monday and we all went to Servus Centre in the morning for the Aquababies class. Em and I had fun in the water, while Cal and Blake watched. We thought Blake might want to go play in the drop-in childcare, but nope! He was quite ticked when we suggested it!!

Last night we did some more painting. 2 more nights and the fence is D-O-N-E ... DONE!! Deck next ...

The kids and I dropped Heidi off at the kennel this morning, which we jokingly refer to as the "all inclusive resort!" The owner used to work with Cal. I saw it for the first time today, and it is really nice. Close to home too, which is a bonus! The dogs even get t.v. and movie time with Matt (the owner)!! Big screen t.v. and leather couches, can you imagine?! She won't want to come home!!!! We booked her in for our Vegas trip too!

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Tisdale, Saskatchewan. Woot, woot!! We're staying the night at my grandparents house and then heading to Sylvania hall for the reunion on Friday. We're looking forward to seeing many relatives and having a great Smith reunion!

Have a fantastic rest of your week and weekend! Happy hump day :)

xoxox Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

What a busy week! :) I can't believe Emerson is 5 months already too! It's unreal how quickly time flies by! She's so adorable and I love cuddling with her! Blake is so cute with his talking! The things he comes up with are hilarious! What a special time at bedtime with some singing of lullabies too! :) Love it! Have a great time at the reunion and we'll see you next week sometime!