Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Man is it HOT!!! I was outside last night and thought it was a little bit cool outside, only to come in and see on the thermometer that it was 22 C!! You know it's been hot, when 22 C feels cool! We've been putting Emerson to bed in just her diaper. We have to have the kids bedroom doors closed, because of Jazz and it gets very stuffy and hot in there. Blake still insists on wearing socks to bed, but we have gotten him into shorts and a short sleeved shirt for pj's (thanks to Grandma D). Oh, and he also has to have his blankie and his soft blankie. Soft blankie is one of many "soft" (duh?!) blankets which are quite heavy and warm. So needless to say, he is a little oven in this heat! And to top it off he has had a fever since Tuesday evening. Today was his first day fever free (without medication). We went to the Dr. on Wednesday and were told it was just a virus and he had to fight it off. So we continued to give him Motrin and Tylenol and as soon as it wore off his temp would spike again. So on Saturday I took him to a different walk in clinic and sure enough he has an ear infection and strep throat. He started antibiotics on Saturday. He just hasn't been himself. It's hard for me to remember sometimes that he's acting the way he is, because he's not feeling good. I start getting frustrated with his wininess, but I know he's been in a lot of pain. Before we knew he had strep throat, we kept asking him what hurt and he'd tell us his mouth. Poor little guy :( Today he finally had a little bit to eat, but he hasn't ate much in almost a week. Not even his favorites. I noticed tonight for the first time, that Blake was grinding his teeth in his sleep. Really, really hard too. So I did a bit of research and a lot of people say that kids sometimes do this when they are in pain, for example from an ear infection or teething. So perhaps the ear infection is what is causing Blake to grind his teeth? We've never noticed him doing it before, so it seems likely. We'll have to keep an eye on it. Emerson hasn't caught a bug from Blake yet (our fingers and toes are crossed!) and hopefully she won't! But boy oh boy is she teething. She gnaws on anything that comes near her mouth! Watch your fingers!!! She had a good chew on my Dad's finger this weekend!! And drools tons! We go through quite a few bibs in a day! And speaking of bibs, have I ever mentioned how much I hate bibs!!? I think every outfit should come with a matching bib! Otherwise, bibs just ruin a really, really cute top!! But that's just my opinion :)

This weekend was our friend Rick's annual horse shoe tournament and birthday party. And guess who got his name on the trophy for the 5th time??? That's right ... CAL!! 5 out of 7 times he has played ain't bad! I think maybe he should join the professional horse shoe circuit!! Ringer!!!!! Blake stayed at my Mom and Dad's house Saturday evening. They stayed in the air conditioned fifth wheel, so I think he got a better sleep! He also went swimming with Grandma and had lots of fun! Emerson came to the party with us, but didn't want to sleep in Cohen's play pen, so I took her home for bedtime! Then I enjoyed a couple of chick flicks :)

Em and I had Aquababies this morning and afterwards we did a few errands. Emerson loves the water. She smiles and kicks the whole time! I really enjoy the class too! It's a great workout and a lot of fun. While Emerson and I were at Aquababies, Cal and Blake went to Chapter's and the YMCA play gym. We all had a fun morning!

Lesley and Colby are coming over for a play date tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning we are going to Stacey, Alana and Parker's for a play date! Thursday Cal's sister Kathy and our niece Katie are staying the night and then Friday afternoon we are heading to Ol' McDonald's Farm for the long weekend! We're looking forward to camping with the Cameron clan and visiting this awesome campground and lake! So far the weather looks great! Blake will have a blast with all is cousins, I'm sure ;)

Enjoy the rest of your week! If you have a/c in your house I don't want to talk to you ... LOL!!!

Take care, stay cool,


1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Glad Blake is on the mend now... not fun for a little guy to be sick in the summer, with both an ear infection AND strep together!! Thanks for the great play date yesterday! Looking forward to a fun-filled weekend with the Cameron clan at Ol'MacDonald's!!