Monday, September 7, 2009

Interesting Beginning :)

Hi everyone!! I am writing to you from Kamloops, B.C.! We arrived here this afternoon. We began our holiday in Jasper. We left Friday morning around 9:30, stopped in Niton Junction for gas and Edson for lunch. We got to Whistlers Campground just outside of Jasper right in time to check in at 2 pm! Erica, Dion, Danielle, Mom, Dad and Jeremy and Lindsay were not far behind us. Unfortunately Emerson was not feeling very good. Ever since she started solids she has been a bit "backed up" and I think it finally caught up with her! She was very uncomfortable and straining quite hard, so we decided to take her into the E.R. We figured we might as well get the problem dealt with right away, rather than hoping it would resolve itself. I was kicking myself for not bringing her into her pediatrician before we left home. So we took her to the hospital and she was given a glycerin suppository and we went back to the trailer. The glycerin suppository didn't produce much and she continued to be out of sorts and not herself, so after a visit to the Miette Hot Springs, we put Blake to bed and took her back to the E.R. I felt this Dr. was a bit more attentive. She manually removed some of the blockage and used another glycerin suppository to try and extract more, but not much happened. At this point in time, Em was pretty upset! The Dr. also found fissures, which were causing Em to withhold everything. The Dr. wasn't sure what else to do, so she called a pediatrician at the Stollery to consult with him. He suggested an enema and a prescription laxative. So the Dr. administered the enema and wrote us a prescription. We have to give her the laxative (laculose) for at least 2 weeks, until the fissures have healed and she sees her pediatrician back home. The enema did not work, so we were back to the E.R. Sunday morning! But the Dr. who was on call this time said try the laculose and if that doesn't work then come back again! So we filled the prescription and it worked!!! Thank goodness! It didn't take long and she was back to her smiley self :) Now we hope her sleep routine will return ;)

So that was the interesting beginning to our vacation. Heidi headed back with Lindsay and Jeremy for a vacation in Fort Mac! We're leaving for Salmon Arm tomorrow morning. The weather looks like it will be in the 20's, which is great for digging in the sand!!! We'll be in touch! We have Wi-Fi there as well! Hope everyone is doing great!

Luv Tracy


Tina Schell said...

Poor Em!! Hope the rest of your holiday is a lot more relaxing and that there are no more trips to the ER.

Gerry and Lesley said...

Oh my goodness, little Em!! I'm sorry your trip isn't off to a good start! I hope you're fine now and don't have to go back to the hospital anymore. That's never fun. Enjoy the rest of your trip, everyone!
Miss you guys!