Friday, December 11, 2009

Miss Emerson

Our little Emerson seems to be growing quickly these days, so I thought I'd write a little update :)

For one, she is growing!! I haven't had her weighed lately, but she is growing out of her clothes and feels like she weighs a lot more. She did lose some weight when she was not feeling well for a few weeks, but I think she's gained that and then some back!! Although she is still a smaller girl!

Emerson is finally choosing to be on her stomach. She enjoys sleeping on her tummy now and often rolls to her stomach when placed on her back! And she's reaching and moving a teeny tiny bit while on her stomach! The other day she surprised herself when she was sitting, reaching for something and went onto her stomach!! She has also been waving for awhile now, which is adorable! She has the chubbiest little hands and wrists I've ever seen!! And she loves clapping her hands! When you clap she looks at you with her huge grin and tries to clap too!! We do a lot of clapping to different songs at the library program we attend, which she love, love, loves!! She loves all the music and clapping and we always blow bubbles at the end, which is a huge hit as well :)

She continues to be VERY talkative!!! We love listening to her talk and having conversations with her. Of course we love hearing her say "Mom" and "Dad", although we know she's not directing the words at us yet, it's still nice to hear ;)

Emerson continues to be entertained and intrigued by her big brother. They have great conversations between the two of them every day! Blake's so good with her, although he is definitely the boss!! I love that I can leave them playing by themselves for awhile! I think it's good for both of them and I can get some things done around the house!!

Emerson is eating pretty much everything these days. I find that she enjoys soft, cut up food more than baby food. I try to give her lots of finger foods too, as she enjoys feeding herself. She tried yogurt for the first time a couple of weeks ago and LOVES it!! A few of the other foods she's tried recently are cheese, ham and chicken noodle soup! All of which she enjoys! She's going to try cottage cheese this week. It's great to see her eating more again! She still only has her two bottom teeth, but manages quite well with just the 2!

Emerson will be 10 months old on December 16th ... I feel like she's still 6 months old!! Unbelievable how fast her first 10 months and soon to be year, has passed.

Take care everyone and stay warm. We're staying inside today, avoiding the deep freeze outside ;)

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

You are growing up too quickly, Miss Emerson! You are a beautiful, smiley little girl who brightens anyone's day with your big grins!
Love you!
xoxo Auntie Lesley