Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where does the time go?!  It is hard to believe that the middle of July is almost upon us!  Summer is so busy, the months pass even quicker!!  We're trying to slow down this summer, in hopes that maybe the summer months will not pass as fast and we'll be able to enjoy our yard, neighbourhood parks, and local activities and attractions!  We do have another camping weekend coming up, which we're looking forward to!  We're leaving for Miquelon Lake Provincial Park on Friday, to camp for 2 nights with the Stony Plain Cameron's, the Lupul's and the Kandora's.  The kids are going to have a great time - there will be 9 in total!!  Hopefully the weather is great :)

On Friday evening one of my bff's, Lindsey, and her son Parker stopped by for supper and a visit.  It was so great to see them and catch up with Lindsey!!  I so miss being in the same city as her :(  One day she tells me she will be near again :)  Parker is growing so fast and is a real little cutey!  He will be 1 at the end of August and is very busy crawling and pulling himself up behind walking toys, etc.  Walking is definitely in his near future ... look out Lindsey and Andrew ;)

Saturday morning, Cal the kids and I headed out to do some shopping and enjoyed lunch out.  After Em's nap, Cal took the kids to the local park and I speed cleaned the house!!  Crazy how much you can get done when you're alone!  We love these days at home, with no "plans", free to do what we please!  Family time is the best :)

Sunday Blake and I headed to Stony Plain, for my friend Laura Kulak's baby shower.  Her newest arrival, Brent Curtis, is now 4 weeks old and adorable!  Blake enjoyed playing with Laura's oldest, Claire and I enjoyed visiting and snuggling with Brent!  On the way home, we stopped in for a quick visit at my Mom and Dad's house.  As we were leaving, I locked the keys (and Blake) in the van!  ARGH!!!  I have no idea how it happened, but thankfully AMA was quick to respond!  And Blake, thankfully, was more then content to talk to us through the window and eat his cheese!  lol!!

Cal is also off work tomorrow and so far our plans entail a trip to the bottle depot and brunch ;)  Rain is in the forecast for the next few days, but that's okay!  I like a green lawn!!  Just hoping it's sunny again by Friday!

We have some fun events coming up!!  I hope to take the kids to the Capital Ex parade next Thursday and then eat lunch at the Taste of Edmonton ... yummy, yummy, yummy :)  And we're hoping Cal can meet us for lunch, since we'll be near his office downtown!  Cal and I are excited for our 2 night get-away to Canmore on the 23rd of July!  We have our UC Baby appointment on July 27th, which I can not wait for!  And on the Sunday of August long weekend my sister and I are driving to Camrose to see Keith Urban at the Big Valley Jamboree!!!  EEK, I know you know how excited I am for that ;)  And a little less exciting, but something upcoming none the less is that I was asked if I'd like to pick up a few casual shifts at work, so I chose to work 2 Monday's (19th and the 26th).

Emerson is almost 17 months and changing and growing up so fast!!  She's our little parrot, that's for sure.  It's adorable and we love hearing her say new words and phrases!  Tonight in the bathtub she was using her wash cloth to wash her belly and saying, "Scrub, scrub, scrub!!  Scrub, scrub, scrub!!"  Today for the first time I heard her attempt to say, "You're welcome!"  Her words are not always really clear, but we hear her often enough to know what she's saying!!  One of the cutest things she does is say, "Hi!"  Anyone who has heard it agrees!!  She says it in the sweetest little voice, it's just adorable!  I really should try and catch it on video.  She's the happiest little girl in the mornings and we just love going to get her out of her crib!  She's usually standing up, waiting for us.  She bends down and passes us her teddy bear and says, "Teddy!" and then bends down and passes us her blanket and says, "Blankie!"  And then we pick her up and she starts talking a mile a minute!  She usually sees Heidi and Jazz right away and points to them and says their names :)  She LOVES Heidi and Jazz and gives them lots of cuddles and kisses every day!  Although we usually limit Jazz' hugs and kisses to just a few!!  Emerson has started calling all small children baby ... even if they're older then her!!  She loves the few dolls that she has and I'm thinking Santa will be bringing her more dolls and doll accessories!!  At first I was worried that she might not be very accepting of the new baby, but I'm beginning to think she will be fine.  She's very gentle with our animals and with her teddy's and dolls.  Although, I'm not sure she'll like her Dad holding the baby and not her!!  She is SUCH a Daddy's girl ... seriously ... big time!!!!  Which I know Cal loves :)

Blake continues to be quite the little character!  He keeps us laughing and wondering how in the world does a 3 year old come up with/know that??!!  And his memory continues to astonish us!  I wish I had the memory he has!!  We haven't tried to night time potty train him yet, Cal read that kids will often night time train themselves, and it seems to be happening with Blake.  He's waking up less and less wet.  Either one day he'll wake up completely dry or one day we'll be brave and not put a pull-up on him at night time!!  I'm excited, but nervous for Blake to start Preschool in the fall.  I hope it works out and he enjoys himself.  I think he will, although it may take a bit of getting used to.  He's still quite shy around strangers, but hopefully after a few weeks his teachers won't be strangers anymore!  I know he'll enjoy playing with the other kids.

Our littlest one is doing good!  He or she is kicking it's Mom lots and moving around!!  And the heartburn has started ... Tums here I come!!  Hopefully this baby will have lots of hair just like it's brother and sister ... makes the heart burn worth it ;)  I'm still taking 1 dyclectin/day.  I'm trying to not take it one day a week, but so far the results have not been good!  It is hard to believe I am 22 weeks already.  We better start thinking of, or should I say agreeing on, names!!

Have a great week everyone!!  Hope you are all enjoying your summer :)

xoxo Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Baby

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