Monday, September 6, 2010

September is here already?!

And I'm 30 weeks pregnant!!  Wowzers!!  I knew this pregnancy (and summer) would go by fast, but wow!  I'm still feeling really tired, but I don't expect that to change anytime soon!  Cal and I both really, really, REALLY need to work on getting to bed earlier, but we've been saying that for years now.  Other then that, I'm doing good!  Still taking 1 dycletin a day ... every time I try to go off of it, I'm sick the next day.  I remember with Blake's pregnancy I finally just went off the dyclectin, even though I was still puking, but this time I just can't feel like that with 2 toddlers to take care of!  And the heart burn has kicked in full force, but is cured by Tums, so it's all good :)  Baby is very active and kicking up a storm!  I have another ultrasound on September 13 to see where the placenta is.  Hopefully it has moved and is no longer low-laying!  Blake often gives the baby (my belly) hugs and kisses and Emerson just likes to pull my shirt up and say baby!!!!

We had a good weekend camping with my parents at Whistler's campground, outside of Jasper.  It is so beautiful there, surrounded by mother nature at its finest :)  The weather was actually quite good.  It rained a bit during the day, but not much.  Blake and Emerson loved running around and seeing Athabasca Falls!!  On Sunday my Mom, Cal, the kids and I went swimming at the indoor pool in Jasper, while my Dad stayed back so supper would be ready and Miss Em could get to bed at a decent time ;)  Blake had a blast on the water slide!!  Emerson had fun, but was way too daring for me!!  She didn't want to be held or even touched in the water and went under a few times (which did not upset her in the least!).  She just wanted to walk around and into water up to her neck and then try to float at random times?!  It was crazy!!  We tried putting a life jacket on her and she was not pleased with that ... although last time we were swimming she loved having the life jacket on!  I'm glad she starts swimming lessons on Saturday and thinking that she might be an early swimmer!!!  Both the kids rode home from Jasper with my parents, so Cal and I had a very quiet trip home :) But I think Heidi was a bit lost without the kids!!!  That was our last camping trip of the year.  We're debating putting our trailer up for sale this week.  We're not taking it out to the storage lot until October, so we're thinking it wouldn't hurt to advertise it for a few weeks?!  If it sells, we'll buy something new this Fall, if not we'll try again in Spring (unless we change our minds by then!!!)!

Blake helped Cal and I prepare everything for his first day of preschool tomorrow.  Earlier in the day he told us he didn't want to go to preschool, but I think we've changed his mind!!  We whispered to him that we better not talk about preschool in front of Em, because she really wants to go but is too young.  That seemed to cause a shift in his attitude!  He was excited to pack a snack in his new Woody and Buzz lunchbox, label his cups and bowls (with Mabels Labels!!!  I LOVE this company!), pack his backpack and pick out his clothes for tomorrow!  We reminded him at bed time that Emerson might be upset when we drop him off, but to tell her it's okay Em, you can go to preschool when you're 3 too!!!  He then suggested that we take Emerson to the play gym across the hall :)  Usually we can't "trick" him, but I think this angle may have worked ;)  We'll see how it goes tomorrow morning!!

And so our busier days begin!!  Preschool Tues and Thur morning, along with Come Play With Me for Em and I.  Thursday is hockey registration for Blake and Saturday Em's swimming lessons start!  We're also looking forward to a visit from Candace, Nicholas and Presley on Wednesday :)

Have a fabulous week everyone!!

Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Baby

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