Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer is Back!!

At least it has certainly felt like it temperature wise this weekend :)  What a gorgeous +23 day Saturday was!!  Blake and Cal were off to hockey practice Saturday morning and Emerson and I were off to swimming lessons.  Cal says Blake is still enjoying himself and improving each time!  But Cal has figured out that Blake will try harder for Coach Gord or Coach Dan vs. for Dad!!!!  On Saturday Blake even asked Cal to find Coach Dan!  lol!  It's nice that he enjoys the other coaches too ;)  Emerson continues to love swimming!  Whenever we pull into the YMCA parking lot she says, "Swimming!!"  Even though two times a week we're not there for swimming!  Saturday afternoon Cal and Blake drove out to the Cameron family plot at Busby for a gathering honouring his late Uncle Glen.  Cal said it was a nice, informal ceremony and it was great to hear and share various stories of his wonderful Uncle.  Afterwards, Cal and Blake came back to pick Emerson and I up and we went to his Uncle Evan and Auntie Netty's house for a bbq.  It was such a gorgeous day, we spent the whole time outside on their large deck and the kids enjoyed running around the acreage!  I wasn't sure if we should go because the kids are still recovering from their various ailments, but they were very well behaved and really enjoyed all their Great Aunt's, Uncles and 2nd cousins (Cal's cousins, not sure if those would be the kids 2nd cousins or 1st cousins once removed?!?)!!!  I really enjoy spending time with the extended Cameron family and I'm glad we went!  As happens with these types of things, we got home later then planned but thankfully the kids went to bed well and slept in a bit this morning.

Today was a laid back kind of day!  No rush to get anywhere at a certain time, which is really nice sometimes.  I'm working tomorrow and Cal's home with the kids.  Thankfully everyone seems to be on the mend.  I have a regular Dr. appointment on Thursday afternoon, hard to believe I have to go every two weeks now! 

Let's hope this nice weather sticks around for a few weeks :)  Have a great week everyone!

The Cameron's

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