Sunday, January 9, 2011


Blake and Emerson have given Reese some interesting nicknames ... Reesey-Gooey and Reesey-Pooh!!  Poor girl!!  Hopefully they don't stick for life ;)

I had Reese weighed on Friday after her chiropractor appointment.  She's up to 8 lbs 5 oz.  Definitely gaining weight slowly, but gaining none the less!!  She doesn't have any "regular" clothes that fit her, which irritates me!!  I've been keeping her in sleepers pretty much all the time!  Her preemie pants are too short and the newborn and 0-3 month pants are WAY too big in the waist.  Oh well, soon enough they will fit and I can dress her up ;)  The last few days I have heard Reese giggle 3 times!!  It's always in the evening when I'm holding her and she's drifting off to sleep.  So, so cute :)  It's like she's dreaming of something funny!  Reese has slipped into a great daytime sleep routine, but the last 2 nights have been rough :S  She seems to have tummy problems and/or gas.  Oval hasn't helped, but I gave her some gripe water last night and it seemed to work.  I'm hoping this isn't due to the chiro. visit on Friday!  We're supposed to go back this Friday, but I may take her in earlier if she continues to have cranky nights.  It's like a switch goes off.  She's so smiley and happy and naps well during the day and then 9 or 10 pm hits!  I feel bad for her though, she seems to be very uncomfortable :(  A warm bath, a warm hot pack and a little tummy massage also seems to help.  We'll see how it goes! 

We've had a great weekend!  Blake enjoyed his swimming lessons on Friday, we all went to watch!  He's doing so awesome in the unparented lessons.  He's in Bobbers again.  In order to move up to the next level he has to be comfortable dunking his head into the water!  He gets pretty close when he's blowing bubbles, but isn't quite comfortable with yet!  Emerson started swimming again on Saturday and has moved up an age group in her swimming lessons and is now the youngest instead of the oldest in the class.  And Blake and Cal were back to hockey Saturday afternoon!!  They brought home Blake's team picture and individual trader cards!  Blake was very proud of his hockey cards ;)  On Saturday we put up more shelving to house all the kids toys in our family room and in the basement and rearranged some toys, which was a time consuming task!!  We also took down all our Christmas decorations.  Cal's been busy shovelling the walks and thankfully my Dad brought back our snow blower this afternoon.  He got it running again!  I think Cal is relieved :)  The kids enjoyed a visit from Grandma and Grandpa and we had a nice supper!

Cal isn't off tomorrow, like he usually is.  This week he's going to take Friday as his day off.  We had thought he would take off a preschool day to help me out, but I haven't had trouble on those days!  The kids have been really cooperative and Reese hasn't slowed us down ;)  So he's going to go back to taking Monday's off next week.  And perhaps I'll find a mom and baby class to take Reese to!  I'd love to take her to Aquababies or Salsa Babies!  Or maybe a Strollersize or Yoga class.  We'll see!!

Take care everyone, have a great week!  Don't get stuck on the side roads!!



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