Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ready for summer

I am ready for this weather to END.  I don't remember feeling this way in previous years, but I suppose it could have something to do with the massive amount of snow we've had this year?!  I actually enjoy winter to a certain degree and can't see myself living somewhere that doesn't get snow.  But this year, at this point in time, I've had enough!!  The City was supposed to clear our neighbourhood streets yesterday, however it did not get done.  They are at it today, but I heard from a neighbour they are not hauling the snow away.  So really, it's not much better.  I guess some of the ruts are gone ...

We're having some rough times here in our house ... Emerson's ear infection doesn't seem to be clearing up.  Amoxicillin has cleared up her last ear infections, but I guess maybe she needs a stronger antibiotic this time.  Depends on the bug ... some are resistant and I think this might be one of those!  She's been on it for 7 days.  I know sometimes it takes awhile for the fluid in the ears to totally be absorbed, but I've made her a pediatrician appointment for Friday, in case it isn't better yet.  She's been crying at night and maybe this is why??  I hope so anyways ...  I think it's hard on Blake when she cries out, I feel bad for him.  At times it's hard to remember that he's not even 4 yet and might not always understand what's going on and why his sister is crying.  He's a pretty sensitive little guy and it bothers him :S  We asked him if he wants to move into Reese's room, but he doesn't.  And Em doesn't want him to move either.  Kinda cute how they like sharing a room, but not so cute when they get each other all worked up ... When Em cries and then Blake starts crying, it makes Em cry even longer and harder and a vicious cycle begins until we settle Blake down!!  OY! 

And now Reese isn't doing great in the sleep department either!  Well, I guess I shouldn't say that.  It's really just a few hours at night - she's napping pretty good during the day and once I get her to sleep at night she sleeps great, but ever since her cold it's been tough to get her to sleep at night.  She's having a fussy period between 10 pm and 2 am for the past week or so.  So by the time she goes to bed and then the other two are up at 6 or so, I'm not getting much sleep.  Reese still wants nothing to do with the soother.  I think I'll stop trying!  It just ticks her off!!  She is sucking her fist though, so maybe she'll be a thumb sucker.  Blake took a soother when we offered it to him at 6 weeks and Emerson starting sucking her thumb at 8 weeks.  Reese is almost 12 weeks ... we need to find some sort of self soothing "tool" other then nursing!!  Not possible for me to soothe her 24/7 with 2 other kids!!  Other then that Reese is doing good!  She has so many big, big smiles and is cooing and talking lots :)  We LOVE her smiles, they light up her entire face!!  So adorable!

We all went to Blake's hockey practice on Saturday!  I was great to watch him and see him participate in all the drills!!  He's come A LONG WAY since September!!  It's amazing!  He is a funny guy though - always thinking and planning!  Even at hockey ;)  Cal said when they were doing a pylon drill (skating around the pylons basically) Blake would go to the 1st one, stop, count how many pylons were left, go to the next one, etc., etc. until he was at the last one!  And as other skaters would pass him, he'd stop and watch them and then continue on!  When they get on the ice, Blake always takes a minute to look around and see who's out on the ice already and who's missing and who is doing what, etc., etc. before he makes his way to where ever he wants to go!  He's certainly a different kid ... most of the other's get out on the ice and giver er'!  Blake has to assess the situation before taking action!!!!!!!!!!  I love his individuality :)  Emerson had a blast at the arena.  My parents came to watch too and she had fun playing on Grandpa's new phone!  She kept pointing to the ice and saying, "There's Blake!"  Even though it wasn't always him ... !  Reese slept the entire time in her car seat ;)

Our community league runs baseball and soccer programs in May and June and we've been looking into the times, locations etc. for Blake.  Unfortunately the times do not work for us.  T-ball (or Blast ball as they call it) is on Thursdays at 6:30 and soccer is on Fridays at 6:30.  We were thinking he could play both, he loves playing catch and soccer with us, but I don't think it will work this year.  He's in bed around that time!  There is a soccer program at the YMCA though (starts in May), which is free with his membership, so we might register him in that!  It is on Saturday afternoons.  Hockey ends mid March and he is going to take some skating lessons in March and April.  He also wants to do gymnastics again, but I think we'll look at that in the Fall!

I hope everyone is having a good week!  Apparently the warmer weather is going to return mid-week ... thank goodness :)  Enjoy the sun, if it decides to show!!

xoxo Tracy

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