Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Attitude of Gratitude

Tracy's rant time ...

A few weeks ago I had a "moment" where I was sick and tired of hearing everyone around me complaining!!!  Maybe because I was feeling sorry for myself?!  I do have those moments you know ... I'm tired, I'm worn out from the whining and crying that comes with 3 kids under 4, I just want a few hours to myself to get my hair cut, go to the spa, go shopping, exercise, etc, etc, I want 10 consecutive hours of sleep with only my husband by my side, I want to take my kids on a fun vacation out of Canada, and it goes on ... I'm human after all!  And sometimes when I hear others complaints, I think, "Seriously?!  Like really?!  You've GOT to be kidding me!  Wake up!!  Take a look around ..."  But back to that day a few weeks ago, I logged on to FB for the millionth time that day (JK!!) and it seemed every second status update was negative ... which lead me to update my status, "Gawd ... some people need to stop feeling so bloody sorry for themselves ... life is too short! Take a look around, chances are you have it pretty darn good."  I know this status update had people wondering and hurt some feelings.  That was not the intent and in hind sight, this type of status update or comment is something I would typically think but not say or express on FB :)  I try to reserve this type of negative conversation for conversations with my husband, Mom, sister and BFF's!!  I like to think that I am a very accepting person and not too judgemental.  I truly feel every person is an individual and every situation is individual to that person.  Just because one thing works for me, doesn't mean it would work for someone else.  I often say or think, "To each his own!"  How boring would the world be if everyone was basically the same.  I love individuality and thinking and even living "outside the norm."  Personally, I have so much more respect for people who are individuals vs. people who try to "keep up with the Joneses!!"  What I'm saying is that I usually wouldn't have reacted the way I did that day ;)

A family friend responded to my above FB status update with this, "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."  Followed by, "We need to adopt the attitude of gratitude."  WOW!  This really had me thinking ...!  Thanks Pat :) 

Then today my "cousins" wife had this as her FB status, "Attitude, is more important than facts, failures, successes, what ppl think, say, do or than appearance, giftedness or skill. The remarkable thing is, we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace. We can't change the inevitable. Life is 10% what happens to us & 90% how we react to it. The outcome lies with you.. we are all in charge of our attitudes ~ Charles Swindoll"  Which had me thinking, "YES!!!"  You CHOOSE your attitude.  Of course there are external influences, but ultimately it is YOU who makes the choice!  Thanks Kristi :) 

So, that brings me to this ... It is so easy in today's world to always be wanting more ... more money, more time with your kids, more time with your spouse, more "me" time, more time with your friends and family, more vacations, a newer/bigger home, a new vehicle etc, etc, ETC!!!  "Keeping up with the Joneses" is an epidemic!!!!  Materialism is taking over our lives.  I feel very fortunate that I live a "rich" life.  Not rich as in the size of my bank account, but rich with a wealth of loving friends and family, good health and blessed to be able to make choices in how we live our life and how we raise our children.   

I'm not saying we shouldn't have goals and dreams.  I just feel we should try a little harder to adopt the "attitude of gratitude!"  And that is what I'm trying to do :)  Surprisingly it works!  Waking up and choosing to be "in a good mood" and choosing to have a good day ... works! 

And on that note, I need a vacation ;)  LOL!  Lately I've been dreaming of taking the kids on a fun vacation.  I'm thinking big, but realistically that vacation will be our trip to the family cabin in Sask. this July :)  (unless someone takes us on a vacation - not likely - or we win the lotto - even less likely!!!!!)  And truthfully, I don't think the kids would have any more fun on a beach in Mexico vs. on the beach at Marean Lake Resort!!!  Actually, they'll have more fun in Sask. because they'll be amongst grandparents, great grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, great Aunts and Uncles, and 2nd cousins.

Thanks for listening :)

xoxo Tracy 

1 comment:

Tina. S said...

I hear ya Tracy!! I am so tired of hearing and reading the complaints of how cold it is so that is why I am "trying" to embrace it! It's not easy, nobody particulary likes -44 with wind BUT it could be so so much worse! We are blessed to be in the comfort of our homes, some people are having to fight the elements on the street. We live in a country of that is known for snow, ice, and bitter cold. But it is also known for it's beautiful rocky mountains, amazing Alberta sunsets, Roll Up The Rim, hockey, and free health care! So what is a few months of really cold weather? Some people would trade us for that as they are fighting cancer and AIDS watching their children die of malnutrition.

There is always a brighter side to -44! ;D