Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Why oh why ... oh why oh why ... !!!!  Blake's had a rough few nights :(  If you recall from last August's blog posts, he went through a "scared" phase at night.  It started suddenly one night and escalated for a few weeks.  We seemed to "solve" the problem by working out a ticket system.  We went to the dollar store together and made a ticket box and tickets and for every good night he had, he'd get a ticket.  He had to get so many tickets and then he could cash them in for a prize (usually a book, his choice!)!  It took a very short time and he was over being scared at night!  All other remedies, such as using "Scary Monster Spray" or using a special teddy bear or telling him Heidi and Jazz scare away all the bad guys, etc, etc did not work.  I think he's too smart for that!!  If we wouldn't believe, he's not believing it! 

And here we are again ... Blake's SCARED!  ARGH!  I can't understand what he's scared of?!  Last summer it was a "scary man" and now it's "noises!"  The crazy thing is that he can't hear anything in his room, we've always ran a humidifier or a fan in our kids rooms and we've been in their rooms at night time - it's very quiet and whatever small noises there might be in the house, they are drowned out by the humidifier.  Even Heidi barking isn't that loud in there.  SO ... I don't know.  I mean, I know it's a phase and it will pass but it is so frustrating and I have zero patience for it!!  Cal has a few more patience ;)  I just want to lose my mind.

He still has a bad cough at night, which I thought might be causing him problems, so Cal took him to the medicentre yesterday and the doc prescribed an inhaler.  The doctor wasn't very clear (shocker ... good ol' medicentre docs!) on the use or reason behind prescribing the inhaler, so I think we'll hold off on filling that prescription until we talk to our pediatrician.  Not sure if we should take him to the pediatrician right now or not ... I hate making that call!!!  His cough does sound bad at night and he has had it for around a month ... During the day he's fine!  Honey before bed seems to curb the cough a little.

I already feel better ... writing out my woes on my beloved blog sure is good therapy ;)  LOL!!  Here's hoping we can get over this latest "scary" predicament and I'll pray really hard that the girls don't go through this phase!!!


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