Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hear No, See No, Speak No ...

Emerson, Blake and Reese ... Emerson pretends not to hear us, Blake couldn't find a boulder in a hay stack and Reese is our quiet little one!!!  Okay, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there is some truth to it :)  I can't wait until they're old enough to do a hear no, see, no, speak no photo!!!  Have you seen one before?!  It's going to be SO cute!!!! 

Blake is really enjoying the warmer weather!  He and Cal spent the afternoon outside doing yard work, with a quick trip to Canadian Tire and a side stop at Tim Hortons!  Blake was pretty excited to tell me about the yogurt and berries he had with Dad :)  It's nice for Cal to spend time with just his boy.  I think the "guy" time is great for Blake, considering he's surrounded by women most of his time!!!  One of Blake's more recent "games" is telling secrets.  It's a lot of fun and very cute to hear his little secrets every day!  Blake had his last Bobbers swimming lesson on Friday and begins Floaters this Friday.  We all went to watch his lesson this past Friday and I was very proud of him!  He is getting more and more confident in the water and has a ball, it's great to see!  He's proud as punch to be moving on to the next level in swimming lessons :)  Today while the girls were napping I asked Blake if he had fun at the birthday party last night (our friends son Marc's 5th birthday).  He said he did and I told him that I was glad he had fun and thanked him for being a good boy and going to sleep well when we came home late from the party and sleeping in this morning.  I told him it makes Mom happy to hear he enjoyed himself and it also makes me happy and proud when he behaves so well.  I asked him what made him happy, to which he replied, "Reese!"  without a seconds hesitation.  How sweet is that?!

Emerson is also loving our warmer weather and spending more time outside.  We have to figure out if she can ride a bike or a tricycle or not though, because she sure wants to!!  The old tricycle we have is too big for her.  Hopefully we'll get to Toys R Us tomorrow to test drive some bikes :)  She is also very happy to take her baby for walks outside in her new stroller that Grandma and Grandpa brought back from the States!!  And she loves going down our backyard slide on her belly ;)  Emerson's imagination is growing everyday and her story telling is growing along with her imagination!!  We love hearing all her little stories - she started this one yesterday - she tells us she is going to work tomorrow and making monies and drinking coffee!!  LOL!!  I asked her where she's working and she told me Costco.  She tells us these stories in a very, very serious and quieter then normal (for her) voice, usually while pacing the family room and looking up at us through her long lashes!!!  I really have to try and get this on video, it is priceless and really adorable!!!!

Our little Reese is doing great!  She's so happy and sweet :)  She loves her exersaucer and Jolly Jumper!  We haven't pulled out the Jumperoo yet, but I'm sure she'll like that as well!  Reese rolls from her tummy to her back now and actually seems to enjoy tummy time, which is great to see!!  She kicks her legs like crazy, while on her tummy :)  She is sleeping good, but still not caving in to an early bedtime ;)  She gets really tired around 5 pm (I've tried to keep her up to go to bed a bit later, but it's so hard on her!), so I put her down and she usually wakes up around 7, eats and goes to bed at 8(ish).  She nurses once at night, sometimes twice, but usually once and gets up around 7, 7:30.  Can't complain about that!  I think in a few months she won't need that 5 o'clock sleep and will be able to stay up until 6 or 6:30 and that will hopefully be her bedtime, like Blake and Em!  I can't get out too much in the evenings, but I'm not complaining as it was my choice to nurse her and not give her a bottle!!  If I wanted to go out bad enough, I would have started her on a bottle, right?!  She's already almost 6 months old, which is so hard to believe.  Soon enough I'll be "free" if I want to be in the evening and my baby won't be a baby anymore :(  We bought her first rice cereal this week and are hoping to try it with her in the next few days!  We know she is definitely interested in food, as she watches intently while we're eating!!

Cal has switched to taking his E.D.O's (earned days off) on Thursday's so he can take Blake and Emerson to the YMCA and I can stay home with Reese.  Reese naps at 8:30 and 12:30 (approx.) and especially loves her morning naps, so with this change she can have her morning nap on Tuesdays!  I really notice a difference in her when she misses her morning nap, she's much less smiley and seems tired all day, even if she gets the afternoon nap.

This week is a big week for our household!  Our little boy turns 4 on Thursday!!!  Unbelievable.  Thursday is also a Mother's Day Tea at preschool!  I can't wait :)  Blake tells me there are lots of surprises for me on Thursday!!  Saturday, the 5 of us are off to Calgary for "A Day Out With Thomas!!"  Can't wait for a road trip and to see the excitement on Blake and Em's faces :)  Blake is excited to watch at DVD on the van t.v.!!  We don't use it often, so it is a novelty!!!  I'm also looking forward to visiting with one of my BFF's and her family and seeing her prego belly, as they will be joining us in Calgary!  Gerry, Lesley and kids were originally coming as well, but are staying home to pack for their trip to Mexico!!  And of course, Mother's Day on Sunday!  Hopefully my Mom, sister and I will fit in some "girl" time on Sunday and the rest of the day will be spent with my munchkins and hubby :)

Hope your are having a fantastic weekend! 

xoxo Tracy

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