Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break

Spring Break is over :(  We had a very nice week of relaxing and not rushing anywhere!  We had a couple of fun play dates, a consignment meet, lunch out, and shopping!!  I think Blake was glad to have a break from preschool.  I noticed a few weeks ago that he was getting a bit tired and seemed to be not as enthusiastic about going as he was before.  He's also had a very busy winter with swimming lessons, hockey and skating lessons!  He will continue in swimming lessons until the end of June, skating lessons are over at the end of April and hockey ended last Saturday.  We did have him registered in a soccer program at the Y, but we took him out of it.  We think he needs a bit of a break from all these organized activities and with the warmer weather and summer on it's way, we'll be outside a lot!!!  He really wants to play baseball, but there isn't a great time for it in our community league.  He's always wanting to play ball in the basement, so I'm sure we'll be playing outside this summer!!  Which is right up our alley :)  I miss my ball playing days!!!

We all went out to watch Blake's last hockey practice on Saturday.  He has improved SO much over the year, we are very proud of him!!  Being only 4 next season, he will be back in Initiation 1.  Cal really enjoyed coaching and will be volunteering again next year.  We're extremely impressed with the KC organization and can't say enough good things about the "main" coaches Pete and Eva and the initiation director Dan.  They were all amazing and made the 1st year of hockey for all the little ones a great year and one everyone will remember!  Pete and Eva's son will be moving on to I2 next year, but hopefully we'll continue to see them around the rink.  They're such great people :)  At times I really wondered if Blake was enjoying playing hockey, but after every practice he'd come home and enthusiastically tell me about all his little teammates and who was and wasn't there, the games they played, etc, etc!!!  And when I'd get to watch him, I'd often see his little grin under his helmet :)  We're very glad he had fun!  Cal and I both played a lot sports growing up and we'd love our kids to enjoy sports, however we're not going to force them to play!!!!  We'll just keep introducing them to the various sports and if they like them great :)

Emerson is becoming more and more "girly" as the days pass!  Her newest thing is wearing what she calls her "Princess Fairy costume" ALL day!!!  Over her pj's, over her clothes ... she wanted to wear it for her nap, but we convinced her to take it off!  She even wanted to wear it out of the house today!  We also have a lot of fun with her clothes and hair, although she has a strong opinion in those departments too!!!  We pull out many outfits each morning and debate over what she'll wear :)  And same goes with her hair!  Some days she wants a "pony", some days nothing, some days 2 ponytails, some days just a barrette.  On a barrette day it can take a good 10 min. to decide which barrette!!!  I love it and LOVE shopping for her and Reese ... right Cal?!  lol!  I enjoy shopping for Blake too, but let's face it - shopping for girls is so much more fun!!!

Our little Reese is getting bigger by the day!  She's sitting up quite well now and is close to sitting unassisted!  She's started trying to sit up in her carseat, bouncy chair, in the tub, etc!  Looks like she's doing crunches, kind of cute, but very awkward looking at the same time!  She's "talking" lots too, which is so stinkin' cute :)  She's teething like crazy and chewing on anything she can, most especially her hands!!!  I can see a bottom tooth, but it is no where near breaking through.  We've been very negligent with tummy time.  She gets the majority of her tummy time on me and can lift her head up high in the air!  Her neck is very strong!  I should probably put her on her tummy more though, then at least she'd get a chance to learn how to roll ;)  This week I've noticed Reese becoming interested in the food around her!  Yesterday morning I was eating cereal with Reese on my knee and she looked like she was practically drooling, watching the spoon go from the bowl to my mouth!!!!  We'll likely wait until she's 6 months old to try solids with her and I'm thinking she'll be ready!!!  On a less happy note, she still isn't self soothing that well in the evenings :(  I'm afraid we might need to employ the "crying it out" method.  I really, really didn't want to do this, but I know how valuable sleep is to Reese's development and I know she's tired, therefore she needs to learn how to put herself to sleep!!!  She is so good at laying down awake and going to sleep at nap times (if I watch the clock and don't push it too late!), but most bedtimes I have to nurse her to sleep and then she wakes up off and on during the evening until she zonks out late in the evening!  She usually nurses once during the night and goes right back to sleep easily until morning.  So we'll try to get her putting herself to sleep at bedtime and see how it goes.  You don't know until you try ... right?!  Maybe she needs a little bit of crying to "soothe" herself to sleep?!  She's almost 5 months old, so it's time to try!  *sigh*  The other possibility is that I'm not putting her down at her "magic time."  So I'm going to be a clock/baby sleepy signs watcher this week and see if I can help her, help herself get to sleep at bedtime!!!!  I know I've said it before, but Blake was so easy to "train" because he took a soother and Emerson was a thumb sucker.  Little Reese hasn't liked either of those :(

We had a great weekend!  Our nephew Dylan was in a hockey tournament in North Edmonton.  Cal took Blake and Em to his Saturday morning game and then came back to our house with his Mom and our nephew Colby and niece Jenna.  The kids had a blast playing and visiting!  We went to Dylan's 2:15 game and then everyone came back here for supper.  It was great to visit with everyone and hear about Gerry and Lesley's Hawaii trip!   Dylan was in the A final this afternoon and we all went to watch!  I was very impressed with Dylan's playing and enjoyed watching all the games :)  Emerson was once again enamored with her Auntie Carmen!  Although we think Carmen's back pack of goodies helped her achieve top notch on Em's totem pole :)

The weather is finally resembling Spring and we couldn't be happier!!!  We've been out puddle jumping a few times now and I've realized I need a pair of rubber boots!  I love the warmer temps and hope this week it continues! 

Have a great week everyone!

xoxo Tracy

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