Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Growing like weeds!!!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how fast time is going (actually I think about this a lot, which is not always a good thing)!  I feel like I have to make the absolute most of my time with Blake, because in 1 year we'll be preparing for his first day of kindergarten and my week days with him will be coming to an end :S  I was thinking last night that next summer Reese will most likely not be taking a morning nap, which will be nice for Blake's last few months before Kindergarten begins!!

Blake has definitely sprouted up again these past few months!  In June he was still wearing his size 4 jeans, although they were starting to look more like clam diggers then full length jeans!  Lately he's been wearing shorts or sweats every day, but today he went to put jeans on and the size 4 jeans were way too short!!!  Sometimes when we peak in on the kids before we go to bed, we are amazed at how big they look in their beds ... they grow so fast and time just flies!!  Blake is in a YMCA summer camp this week, called Jitter Bugs.  It's from 9 to noon and he is having a blast!  Yesterday they went swimming, which he was very excited about!  There were 3 different camps he could have attended, 1 was an all day camp and the other was 9 to 2.  Maybe next year he'll try one of the others!  He's having so much fun, that we've registered him for another week at the end of August :) 

Emerson would love to stay with Blake at camp, but you have to be 3!  I promised her she could try a camp next summer if she wants, which I'm pretty sure she'll be up for!!  Today the girls and I met friends at a play gym, which was really nice!  Nice to hang out with just the girls once in a while :)  Emerson is enjoying summer and loves being outside as much as Blake!  She LOVES to swing!  The higher the better!  She can swing for a very long time ... as long as someone is there to push her!  For the most part, Blake and Emerson play SO well together, which we are very grateful for!  I absolutely adore listening to them when they are playing and hearing their conversations :)  Especially about their "jobs!"  Blake builds houses still and takes Em to her job (via train), which is at Costco!  Too funny, love their imaginations!!

Reese is growing up so fast and changing everyday!  She now has 3 teeth on the bottom and 3 very close to breaking through on the top.  She is a good little eater (3 meals a day now) and particularly enjoys fruit!!  She also enjoys feeding herself and tonight had some soft peas!  I adore watching her pick up cheerio's, peas, etc ... such an amazing sight to see a child learn the coordination involved in getting a cheerio to their mouth :)  Reese has started talking more, vs. screaming!!!  The screaming was quite cute and funny (although ear piercing at times!!) but the new consonant and vowel sounds are adorable too!  She is very interactive and when I repeat the sounds to her she is quick to "talk" back!!!  She is rolling all over the place to get what she wants, but hasn't gotten up on all fours yet.  Maybe we should show her!  She also enjoys "standing" with our assistance.  She is a pretty content little girl and spends quite a lot of time rolling around or sitting and playing by herself and with Blake and Em.  There is no shortage of love between those 2 and their baby sister!!!  Reese is definitely well loved!  Reese started waving while we were at the cabin and I sometimes see her waving her fingers and staring at her hand!!!  She also gives me kisses now, which I adore!  I say, "Kiss?" and make lip smacking noises and if she wants to give me a kiss, she leans in with a wide open mouth :) 

I hope everyone is having a great summer!  The mosquito's are keeping us inside a little bit more then we'd like to be, but I have noticed they seem to be getting less and less these past few days! 

Take care, talk to you again soon!

Luv Tracy

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