Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer fun!!

We've had some great times these past few weeks!!  Here are some highlights:

- The kids and I spent a fun-filled day with the Stony Plain Cameron's (minus Gerry!)!  It started out with a visit to Cafe O'Play, followed by lunch at Wendy's and ending with Capital Ex!  We had a wonderful time, lots of fun and laughs!!  The kids were so well-behaved, even though the girls missed nap time ;)  It was nice to spend some time with them and hopefully we'll squeeze in another "date" before September!
- A day trip to Battleford, Saskatchewan to surprise my Grandma Kelley with an 80th birthday party at the Legion!!!  It was a nice gathering!  We seen a lot of relatives who we haven't seen in years - cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.  Great to catch up with everyone and so nice to see my Grandma enjoying herself!  She's a hard worker (still working at 80!!) and I worry she doesn't take much down time, so it was great for her to have some fun and visit :) 
- A visit to the Strathcona Farmer's Market!  It was full of wonderful vendors - we could have spent a fortune, but only walked away with fresh baked oatmeal raisin cookies, pesto, and perogies!!  Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm ... 
- A visit to United Cycle!  We needed to get Blake's skates repaired and sized and check the fit of some of his hockey equipment.  And the boys were (both) extremely excited to pick out matching Flyers hats!!!
- Many trips to local parks!  One of our favorites is the CD park.  They have recently renovated this park and it is SO awesome!  The kids love the spray park, but also have fun on all the playground equipment :)
- Dinner with Cal's Mom and his Grandparents.  Grandma and Grandpa Alstad hadn't met Reese yet, so it was nice to introduce them to her!!  We had a nice dinner and visit, it was great to catch up :) 
- An overnight stay at the Krywiak cabin at Skeleton Lake.  And I use the term "cabin" loosely ... it's more a house then a cabin, very nice with all the modern day conveniences!!  The weather wasn't the greatest, but at least it didn't rain!  The kids had fun playing in the bouncy house, swinging and we visited the public beach and park.  The boys took a quick fishing trip Sunday morning, but didn't catch anything.  Reese was averse to sleeping, which always stresses me out for some silly reason :S  But at least they all slept in!!  We're looking forward to spending some more time out there next year with the Parenteau's :)
- Blake started his hockey camp this Monday.  It is 45 min. and focuses mostly on skating and basic hockey skills!  Blake's has improved greatly from his first time on the ice (less then a year ago) and continues to enjoy himself!!  He's shuffling along a little faster this year, but he seemed to have this idea in his head that because he took skating lessons this Spring and is older now that he would step on the ice and fly!!! 
- Reese had her 9 month check up today!  She is doing great and is now 20 lbs (75th %tile), 27.5" (50th %tile) and her head circumference is in the 50th %tile as well :)  She's a strong, healthy little girl!  She is still rolling all over the place and can really get going fast!  She tries to get up onto her knees to crawl, but hasn't figured out crawling quite yet.  She loves standing and tries to pull herself up when you're holding onto her hands - once she stands up she grins and grins and is so happy to be standing!!  She has a good appetite and loves finger foods!  She prefers soft veggies and fruits to pureed, but still eats a lot of pureed when we're on the go!!  She has 7 teeth (all 7 came through within 1 month) with an 8th that has popped out and today is back in!   

We're doing some work around home this weekend (need to hang pictures and shelves in the house, paint our deck, build a sandbox under the play set, and fix our trailer!  Not sure we'll get all of that done?!) and hopefully visit the St. Albert Farmer's Market.

Next week we don't have too many plans.  On Saturday Reese and I are flying to Saskatoon for my cousin Aaron's wedding.  I wish we could all go, but I am looking forward to seeing my relatives again and hopefully relaxing a little more then usual, being I'll only have 1 child under my care ;)  I'm sure Cal and the other 2 kidlets will also have a nice weekend!  

We hope you are all having a fantastic summer!!!  ttyl :)


1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Glad your summer is going great!! Thanks for the updates :) Here's to some more hot, sunny days!