Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy 10 month Birthday Reese :)

Yes, Reese is 10 months old today!!  I know with every child I say I can't believe how fast time is going by but it continues to speed up.  SLOW DOWN ... please?!  I don't know how Reese is 10 months old already.  I mean, really ... where in the world does the time go???

Reese is growing and changing fast and is so much fun!!  She loves to move and is crawling all over the place and just started pulling herself up to standing on her play table and on Heidi's toy bin!!  The couch and coffee table seem to high for her to pull herself up on!  She seems to know where we don't want her to go and as soon as an opportunity presents itself, she heads for those areas (i.e. the bathroom/laundry room, the stairs to the basement!!).  As soon as I say, "Reeeese!!" she crawls faster!  lol!  She still has 7 teeth, with an 8th near breaking through (it's been near for a long time!!).  She loves food (surprise, surprise!) and really enjoys feeding herself.  She's eating a lot of what we eat now, just chopped up really small.  She loves drinking her water from a straw cup, but also loves spitting water out and making a mess!!!!  I find it really neat that she already recognizes Heidi, Jazz, Dad, Mom, Blake, Emerson, her teddy and her blankie.  When I ask her, "Where's Heidi?"  She scans the room and looks right at her!  Same with the other people/items!  It's so amazing how much a child learns in 10 short months.  And so rewarding to be a part of as a parent :)  Blake and Emerson love her to death and are still really good with her!  They are always watching out for her, making sure she isn't putting anything too small in her mouth.  We're definitely lucky she hasn't choked on anything yet ... to date she's been found with dice, small Lego, and a penny in her mouth :S  Reese is really enjoying our Come Play With Me program and loves music and books!! Just yesterday we moved her into a big kid carseat.  She could technically still be in the bucket seat, but it's way to heavy to carry around!!  She seemed smitten with her new car seat yesterday!  We love her big grins :)  And sometimes if we're lucky when we ask for hugs and kisses, she gives up a big mouth wide open kiss!!  

Blake and Emerson both started swimming and dove right back into lessons ;)  Blake's swimming really improved this summer!  Grandpa taught him how to doggie paddle at the cabin and he picked that right up again during his first lesson!!  Emerson's having fun too, but is ready to move on to unparented lessons.  But she'll have to wait until she's 3 for those!!  Em also started gymnastics on Wednesday.  She loves it and is most especially fond of the "stork stance" and choosing her outfit for her class ;)  Blake started hockey on Saturday and had a blast!  I woke Reese up from her morning nap so the girls and I could catch the last 1/2 hr of his practice!

We had fun on Sunday afternoon celebrating our niece Jenna's 2nd birthday at a polka-dot themed party :)  Grandma Bev was down for the party too, so it was nice to visit and catch up with her! 

Fall is definitely in the air!  Hoodie and sweater season is upon us - my 2 favorite pieces of clothing ;)

Have a great week everyone!!


1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Such a big girl, Reese :)
Thanks for coming to the birthday party. I hope the kids had fun!!