Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kids Really Do Say the Darnest Things :)

Blake: One of my teachers wasn't there today.  She hasn't been there in a little while.
Mom: Maybe she got a new job.
Blake: Why?
Mom: Sometimes people change jobs.
Blake: Why?
Mom: Well maybe they found a job closer to their home or a job that pays more money.
Blake: I think Dad should stay at Telus.
Mom: I think he will Blake.
Blake: Yeah, cause he works with Brad and he likes working with Brad.
Mom: *laughs* Yes I think he does Blake!

Dad: We're having fish and chips for supper.
Emerson: Fish?  Like Uncle Jeremy has?
Blake: Yeah, I like that fish!
Mom: Well it's kind of the same ...

Emerson: I'm going to be a dancer!
Dad: As long as you aren't dancing on poles ...
Emerson: What?
Mom: CAL!

Reese exploring!
Reese is walking along furniture, toys etc!  She's been doing this for a few weeks now.  She also loves to clap and dance :)  She loves music!!!  It's hard to believe she is almost 1 :S  We've started planning her 1st birthday party!  Unbelievable.  She's also starting to let go of things, stand for a second and then fall!!  I have a feeling she'll be walking within the next 2 months or so!  She seems a bit more daring then Blake and Em were?!  Reese still only has 7 teeth ... in July the 7 teeth broke through within approx. 5 weeks.  There was an 8th that I thought was through and wasn't and now lots near the surface, but nothing through.  She chews on her fingers, hands and forearms - poor girl!  I hope the rest of her teeth start breaking through soon.  Reese is talking a lot too!  Some of the words I recognize are, "Mom, Dad, Bye, Jazz, and Dora!"  Yes ... Dora.  I'm not sure I should be happy that my almost 1 yr old recognizes the infamous Dora already?!  I suppose it's inevitable, being as her older sister is a Dora nut ;)  Reese really listens to me now and intently watches me as if trying to absorb everything I'm saying to her ... I LOVE it!  She waves hi and bye all the time, all it takes is someones to say, "Bye!" and she starts waving!!  Reese is my little cuddle bug, she gives me the biggest hugs and kisses!  All I have to say is, "Hugs and kisses?"  Although her kisses are a bit sloppy ;)  She is very content to play by herself, walking and crawling around the family room.  Some days I think she could explore for hours!!   

Caught a good pic of Em :)
Emerson has just gone through a growth spurt!  Her size 2 pants are all capri's ;)  Good thing I love to shop!!!  We thought she was moving out of the "terrible two's", she had a few really mellow weeks, maybe even months!!  But they're back :S  Time outs work pretty good, although they are spent with her screaming and crying for the most part!  They do calm her down ... and allow me to calm down too!!!  Thankfully she's a gem most of the time, but the odd times can be tough, as I'm sure most parents can attest to!   Emerson and Blake have been into dress up for a long time now, but lately all Em wants to be is a princess or a ballerina!  She twirls all around in her dress up dresses and tutu's and loves wearing her princess high heel shoes!  I'm amazed at how well she can walk, dance and twirl in those shoes!!  She LOVES to dance!!  I'd love to take her to a class called Blossoming Ballerina's that my friend takes her daughter to, but the times don't work out for us this session.  Hopefully next session!!

Blake's list for Fort Mac!!
Blake is moving on up from Floaters to Gliders in his swimming lessons!  We're so proud of him :)  On Thursday I volunteered in Blake's classroom.  I had a blast and really enjoyed myself!  Blake got to be the weather man, which consists of deciding what the weather is like outside and placing the appropriate felt piece on the calendar.  But the class has to agree with him!  It was so cute to see him pull out a cloud and show it to the classroom with a shy little grin on his face!!  Blake also asked a few questions during show and share!  I had a hard time not breaking out in laughter some of the time, as the kids were all so cute and often funny (even when they weren't listening to Miss Kara!!!)!  One little girl is especially "spirited" and after talking to the teachers, they said they even have a hard time not giggling at her antics!!!!  I'd love to volunteer every week in the classroom, but I'm going to volunteer again during the Halloween Party and Cal might take a turn in November :)  Blake's hockey season is in full swing!  He's loving it and today came home all excited because Cal was the head Coach today (vs. Assistant!)!  Which means they got to bring home all the pylons and some other equipment!

We had a great Thanksgiving long weekend in Fort McMurray!  Jeremy and Lindsay's new house is gorgeous and had more then enough room for the Cameron/Smith invasion ;)  The kids travelled well and slept good for the most part!  It was nice to see my cousin Melissa and her family for dinner on Sunday night.  The kids played awesome together, most especially Blake and Ryder!!  Next time we go up I think we'll have to have Ryder over for a longer play date!!  Thanks to Linds and Jer for hosting Thanksgiving this year and for the delicious dinner :)

I'm so excited to go to the Oiler's game with Cal tonight!!  We haven't been on a date since November 2010!  Thank you to Christa for babysitting, we hope the kids stay sleeping for you ;) 

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!!!

The Cameron's

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