Saturday, December 17, 2011

Random Thoughts ...

Another year, another Santa picture with an upset child!!  When Blake was 7 months old he did not cry on Santa's lap (2007), 2008 Blake was crying, 2009 Emerson was crying, 2010 Cal and I joined in the picture so Emerson would not cry, 2011 Reese is crying!!  We predict tears from Reese in 2012, but after that ... smooth sailing!  Then we'll look back on these Santa photo's and get teary eyed ourselves ... :)

Blake opened a Hot Wheels track at our Mom's Group gift exchange last Sunday.  He loves it SO much, in fact he was heard saying, "This is the BEST Christmas present ever!!"  We were downstairs playing and I suggested to Blake that we give his Fisher Price garage (which is HUGE) away to someone who doesn't have many toys, in order to make room for more Hot Wheels track.  He put one hand on top of the garage, the other on his hip, furrowed his brow and said, "Well Mom, that WOULD be ideal.  (long pause as he looks up and thinks things through!!)  but I do really love this garage and especially the cars that go with it.  If we gave away the garage it would make sense to give away the cars too and I want to keep the cars."

I gave Emerson a rubber-like bracelet that we got with our World Junior ticket package.  I was taking her to the potty not 5 min. after I gave her the bracelet and she tells me she bought this pretty bracelet from Mom's website (didn't know she even knew what a website was?!?) for 20 bucks!!!

We started a Christmas tradition in 2009 of choosing a Gift of Hope from Plan Canada from each family member.  This year as we're picking out our gifts, Blake decided on the classroom essentials package.  I asked him why he chose that gift and he said, "Well, because I really like school and I think those kids would like it too!"

I try not too do too much Cameron's Closet work (other then online occasionally) through out the day because it takes me twice as long and I want to spend the majority of my time with my kids, the reason I am home!!  But last Wednesday I was short on time and had to pick orders and boy oh boy was my little helper Emerson ever helpful!!!!  lol!  She had to inspect each piece of clothing, hold it up, flip it over, etc, etc and fold it herself!  If I tried to sneak something into a bag, she'd say, "Mom, can I see that little onesie??"  lol!!!!  So I'd have to pull it out, pass it to her, let her do her thing, and put it back!  She's so cute with the whole consignment business, she knows that every person has a "slip" and asks where does this bag go, etc, etc!  But she's been upping her prices ... she used to say everything was 5 bucks now everything seems to be 20 bucks or 40 bucks!!!!  Talk about inflation ;)

We have another blanket lover on our hands here ... Miss Reese!  She loves her blankie and if she see's it she says, "Bankie, bankie, bankie!!!"  And sometimes (when she's tired, cranky, etc.) she'll wander around saying bankie, bankie ;)

So, so sweet :)

I often wonder what Blake, Emerson and Reese's sibling relationships will be like as the get older.  I always hope that they will be great friends, and so far I think they are!  Emerson misses Blake when he is at preschool, so much so that when we pick him up they often give each other a huge hug right outside the classroom door :)  It is so sweet and the other parents are always remarking at how cute it is!!!  Emerson must be the biggest hugger out of the 3, because her and Reese are also very "huggy!!!"  It's cute to see them hugging, Reese leans into her, like in the picture :) 

Reese really enjoys the Come Play With Me program we go to, especially the music portion of the class.   She likes to stand up and dance!  She wiggles her bum and hips and even tries to do the hand actions.  She really likes "Elephants have wrinkles" and when we sing "Zoom, zoom, zoom" she starts getting excited when everyone starts counting down to blast off!!  She turns towards me to get ready for "Blast off!"

Our Elf on the Shelf made an appearance on December 12th.  The kids didn't see him until the morning of the 13th.  He has created quite the excitement!!!  We read his story as soon as the book was spotted on our coffee table and then the hunt was on to find him!  Emerson was the first to spot him.  Here is where he spent his first night in our house ...  Immediately Blake wanted to name him Picks and Emerson wanted to name him Rudolph, so his name is now Picks Rudolph!  I was actually very surprised at their name choices!  I thought they would come up with Elf or Santa or Blake or Emerson!  We know Blake is a little bit skeptical of the whole story and magic, etc!!  Here are a few of the things he has said, "I will know he's real if he turns his head when I walk into the room.  I will know he's real if he is in a different spot when I get up tomorrow.  He's just a toy.  How come he doesn't eat all day?  He looks at the same thing all the time.  Maybe if I touch him, I will get all the magic?  Does everyone have an elf to talk to Santa?"  Our sensible boy :)  Love him and his enquiring mind!! 

We took our 3rd annual Candy Cane Lane sleigh ride on Sunday night!  This was the warmest year yet and we had a lot of fun!  The kids enjoyed the ride and we were surprised at how well Reese did!  We were on the sleigh for approx. 45 minutes.  The lights were nice, nothing spectacular, but nice to see most of the houses lit up!!  We also got to show the kids the "Christmas house" on 97th and 144th!!  Now that is amazing!!!! 

Magic show!!
 Friday was the YMCA's preschool Christmas party.  It was wonderfully organized this year, with an "Around the World" theme.  There were numerous stations for the kids to visit, each featuring a different country.  At each station they got their passports stamped and did a craft!  We learned that in Germany on Christmas morning the first person to find the big pickle in the Christmas tree gets an extra gift!!!  Each child had a chance to visit with Santa and a magician did a magic show.  He was fantastic!!  Checkout Brian Lehr for your next event, I will be! 

Blake is getting to be such a great skater!!  We went to watch hockey today and I could not believe how well he was doing!  Very fast and handling the puck too!!!  All the while, with a huge grin on his face ;)  The girls and I went with my parents to watch a few weeks ago and even since then he has improved!  We're so proud of him and really glad he is enjoying himself! 

Poor Cal has another kidney stone :(  He is an experienced kidney stone survivor (this is his 5th) and has yet to go to the hospital this time around ... but I did have a Dr.'s appointment with our family Dr. on Thursday evening and she was nice enough to prescribe him a painkiller to help manage the pain.  So far he's doing fine, hopefully it has either broken up and passed or it is small and will pass on its own soon!  He's only ever had to have 1 extraction and it is not pleasant, so we don't want that to happen again!!

I've had a sore throat for a few days now, it hurts but that's about it!  No cough, running nose, etc.  Hopefully it leaves me soon ... it's making me a bit grumpy ;)

On our agenda for the days leading up to Christmas Day, is baking and decorating sugar cookies, building our gingerbread house, making Christmas chocolates and attempting to clear up a ton of Cameron's Closet "stuff!!!!"  I would really like to have at least 1 week off!!

Every night at bedtime I ask Blake and Emerson if they've had a good day.  So far they always say yes!!  Then I ask them what their favorite part of the day was.  It is a lot of fun to hear their responses :)  Tonight Blake said hockey and playing with Daddy and Emerson said eating her candy cane :s  In case you don't know, Em has a huge sweet tooth!!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!


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