Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Cal!!

Friday we packed up a bag full of snacks and the sit n' stand stroller and embarked upon the r.v. show!!!!  We were on a mission to find a floor plan and price we thought would work for us!  The kids were so excited to go (this is a yearly tradition for the Cameron/Smith family!) and had a lot of fun looking in trailers and bouncing in the Western RV Country monster truck bouncy house ;)  My parents kept an eye on the kids for us and we were able to see a lot of r.v.'s!!

Saturday was Cal's 33rd birthday!  Blake, Emerson and I went shopping for a gift for Cal last week.  We knew he needed a new Flyer's hat, so that is what we were looking for!  We went to a few different stores.  The thought Blake put into this purchase is unbelievable!!  He would inspect each hat I handed him, try it on, check the size, see if it was adjustable, the color, what size the logo was, etc, etc.  It was really cute!!!

Cal and Blake had hockey Saturday morning and before they left Blake wanted to tell me something.  He (not so quietly) whispered to me that he was going to tell all the kids that it was his Dad's birthday and that Dad was going to tell the coaches!  I told him that Dad would probably not tell the coaches!!  When they got home from hockey, Cal told me Blake made a point of telling every single person on the ice that it was his Dad's birthday.  At the end of practice they all huddle together and do 3 cheers, and yesterday after the cheer Blake asked everyone to sing happy birthday to his Dad!  So sweet :) :)

My parents came over for supper and cake that evening.  The kids were so excited to sing happy birthday!!  After supper Cal and I went (back) to the r.v. show.  We checked out every single r.v. that we thought we would be interested in and still liked the first one we found!!  But we're not 100% sure if we want to buy a new one this year ... such a hard decision!  After the r.v. show we went for a beverage and to chat about if we really want to buy a new r.v. this year.  For now our plan is to take our current trailer out for May long weekend, then list it for sale and see what happens!!!  With Reese being around 18 months come summer, we know this camping season will not be the easiest, but next year and the years beyond should get easier!  So maybe we'll just do a few short trips this summer and look to buy again next year ... maybe.  Plans change, we'll see what happens!!  I think the salesman and dealer from the factory in Indiana thought we were the most indecisive people they've ever seen ... I don't how many times we went back to Coachworks RV to look at the trailer we liked, or how much time we spent sitting in it, looking around!!!  And chatting with the 2 of them!  Was great to talk to a Colts fan though ;)  lol!

Today we had a Valentine's Day party/baby shower with our New Mom's Group friends!  My friend Cindy had a baby girl at the end of December.  It was nice to have some baby snuggles and meet Ainsley!  The party was a lot of fun and the kids and I enjoyed making their own valentines and popcorn treats for their friends (thank you Pinterest!!).  Tonight when I asked Emerson what her favorite part of the day was, she said, "Handing out popcorn treats to my friends and the ladies giving me candy!"

This week is going to be crazy ... teleconference meeting will take up my evening tomorrow, preschool Valentine's Day party Tuesday, Kettlebells Tues and Thurs evening, Emerson's 3rd birthday Thursday, meeting with Cameron's Closet helpers Wed evening, Cameron's Closet meet Friday morning and pick up Cal's Mom from the airport Friday night! Then Emerson's birthday party Saturday afternoon.  Wowzers ... not sure when I'm going to clean house, make Em's cake, do the loot bags, plan the party food, oh and SLEEP!  Phew!  February is a BUSY month!!

Have a great week everyone :)

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