Monday, July 9, 2012

Heat wave!

Feeling hot, hot, hot!!!  We've been getting some really nice weather!  We had a few very hot days last week, this weekend was near +30 both days and the beginning of this week is going to be the same.  I was so glad we were at the lake this weekend, as I find the high temp's more bearable when you can be in the water!!  The kids bedrooms are SO hot, I feel so bad for them.  It's like walking into on oven.  But they don't seem to mind it, they haven't complained anyway!  We bought new fans for their rooms, which do help a little bit.  Our room is pretty hot too but we can leave our window open through the night so that really helps.  I don't leave the kids windows open, in fear that they would rise with the sun ;)

Blake had an absolute BLAST at his "Heroes in Training" camp, last week.  He made a superhero cape, shield, hat, belt and mask!  I was very impressed with the leaders and how well the camp was organized and ran!  I knew my gf Jodi's 2 boys and Blake's friend Evan would be in the camp but on the first morning I realized I knew the majority of the kids in the camp from one place or another!  Blake's next camp is in 2 weeks, he and Em are going to a bike camp!

This weekend, we were at our friend Christa's family cabin at Skeleton Lake.  We had a fabulous time, soaking up the fun and hanging out with great friends!  The kids had a blast, although Reese was not feeling well.  Blake and Em are little fish and spent a large majority of their time in the water, swimming, splashing, floating, rowing the dingy and tube :)  There was also a bouncy house, water sprinkler and many other fun toys in the back yard of the cabin!  I use the term cabin loosely ... this cabin is really a house!  Running, hot water, central vac!  lol!  If I ever win the lotto, the first thing I am doing is buying a cabin!!!  Never mind towing a trailer around and packing and unpacking all the time - a cabin is where it's at ;)  Thank you Parenteau's and Krywiak's for sharing your little piece of paradise with us, we had a blast and can't wait to do it again!!

Reese woke up not feeling well on Friday.  She seemed really congested and was coughing.  Friday night she sounded terrible, so we thought we'd better have her seen by a Dr. before we went to the lake on Saturday morning.  I took her to a medi-centre early Saturday morning.  We thought she had croup and the Dr. confirmed that.  He gave her a steroid and a inhaler to open her airways.  It helped a lot with the croupy cough but she still is very congested.  She's not sleeping very well because of the coughing and chest congestion :(  Hopefully she starts feeling better, really soon!  

Today, Blake is going on his first ever play date without Mom or Dad!!  He was invited to Evan's house and I am dropping him off and not going in.  Other play dates in the past have always involved Mom and/or Dad and at least 1 sister!!!  Blake is very excited and I'm sure he'll have a blast but I feel like he's growing up too fast!

Have a great Monday, everyone!  Stay cool ;)


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