Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer lovin'

We are enjoying our summer!!!  So much going on, so much fun :)  I think point form will make this post a bit shorter, so here we go:

- Blake had a blast at his buddy Evan's house!  We will be having Evan over to our house, soon!!  And we have to arrange a play date with his friend's Zander and Derek, both from preschool too!  Blake is such a social little boy, he loves playing with his friends and making new friends :)
- I had a great time in Calgary, with my friend Lindsey!  It was SO nice to catch up with one of my best friends.  The last time we've had more then a few hours together (sans kiddo's!) was a long, long time ago!!  You know you have a best friend for life, when you live hours and 100's of km's apart and pick up right where you left off, and I am lucky to find that in two very special ladies.  I feel very blessed!!  The Garth Brooks concert was AMAZING.  Honestly, best concert I've ever been to.  Hands down.  You know how at the end of a really good concert, the fans are all standing and chanting and sometimes pounding on the metal bleachers for an ovation??  This concert, the fans were doing that the ENTIRE time!  It was a 2 1/2 hour standing ovation and it was crazy!!  Even Garth was overwhelmed!  Steve Warner (Holes in the floor of heaven) and Trisha Yearwood also sang (She's in love with the boy and Walkaway Joe).  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ... and it didn't hurt being 7th row on the floor!!!  I'm so glad I went!  The Stampede was a lot of fun too!!  The city was so busy and so alive, the atmosphere and all the people were so happy and friendly!  So fun!!  But I missed my family and was very pleased with the huge running hugs and "Mommy!  Mommies home!!" that I received when I walked in the door :)
- Cal's vacation started on the 12th, he had a good few days home with the kiddo's while I was away!  They had fun at the splash park and park and playing with Dad but I had no doubt Cal would be fine with the 3 of them, I'm lucky that way :)
- Last week we had a family picnic at the park and did some running around (got a quote for new carpet - yippeeeee!!!) and got ready for our 3 nights away at Whitesands Resort!  We rented a 2 bedroom cabin and just got back tonight.  We had a really, really good time.  It was nice to spend that time together, away and not at home where  working on our laptops, laundry, house cleaning and the other day-to-day grind 'stuff' can get in the way!!  The kids had a blast, playing on the beach, in the water and at the parks and the weather was fantastic.  Cal and I enjoyed sitting around the fire every evening!  I'm so glad we did this!
- This week, Blake is in a 1/2 day bike camp through Pedalheads.  He's looking forward to it!!  He loves riding his bike and has recently started going around the block all by himself ;)  He's even mentioned trying to ride without training wheels!  Cal is off this week as well (he's off for 18 days in total!!  Lucky us!) so will take Blake tomorrow morning.
- Thursday, Em and plan to take Blake to bike camp, pick him up and then head to Capital Ex to see Strawberry Shortcake!  We might do lunch at Taste of Edmonton too!!

I thought with the sale of our travel trailer, our summer would be a bit slower but so far we've been quite busy!!  We'll be slowing down a bit in August ;)

Hope you've had a great few weeks, we'll talk to you again soon!!


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